[🗳] 220605 • WHOSFAN #NI_KI is back at #1 but do not be complacent! Continue to collect & save, and wait for the signal to drop during the final mass voting tomorrow 🔥 Let’s win for Ni-ki 💪🏼 🔗 link.whosfan.io/EVENT/TjFsTWVa… #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] 220826 • INFO #ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR <MANIFESTO> Official Merch - #NI_KI previews 💜 📅 Pre-order August 29, 11AM KST on Weverse Shop #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📸] 220628 • NAVER POST ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 (D VERSION) Behind-the-scene Photos - #NI_KI Cuts (1/3) #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[💟] 220515 • KPOPFLEX To our dance prodigy #NI_KI , we can’t wait to see you perform together with the members tonight 🤩 We know you guys are going to rock it 🔥 All the best, Fighting 💪🏼 ENHYPEN IGNITE THE STAGE #KpopFlexWithENHYPEN #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 230401 • TRENDS 'Ni-ki' and 'RIKI' are currently trending under K-pop and Music with 17.4K and 9,115 tweets 🔥 #NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 220714 • MCOUNTDOWN #NI_KI ending fairy on today’s performance of #FuturePerfect on MCOUNTDOWN ! 🔥🔥 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[🎥] 220713 • TMI NEWS #NI_KI at TMI News Show Preview ! Our Dance Prodigy ! 🔥 🔗: youtu.be/lyoSbDf7TJQ Let's all watch and support Enhypen at TMI News Show later at 8 pm kst ! See you, Engenes ! #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[🗳] Vote • Fantoo ↪️Poll Start: Best IDOL Dancers Follow our Tutorial in the replies for the FANTOO App! END: May 18th, 23:59 KST We need everyone to register NEW fantoo accounts and use THIS referral code only 🙏 Ref: RTQ5118ZYV #ENHYPEN #NI_KI #니키 @ENHYPEN_members
[💟] 221209 HAPPY NI-KI DAY 🥳🎊🎉 Please continue to use his birthday tags today and continue to shower him with love & praises 💜 OKAYAMA STAR PRINCE NI-KI #RikiRhythmOfDecember #니키_없는_엔진은_팥없는붕어빵 #祝17歳NI_KIくんが幸せでありますように @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 230224 • TRENDS '#NI_KI' is currently trending under k-pop with 23.7k and 'riki' with 6,912 tweets 🔥 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[🎥] 220424• MASS STREAMING ENHYPEN #NI_KI & #JUNGWON MIX & MAX Bleeding Darkness' Youtube Update! Less than 2⏰️ left As of 9:00PM KST Views:1,915,985 | Likes:479k 🥅:3M Views | 500K Likes 🔗:youtu.be/oiBLJPvGNc8 LET'S GoBig ENGENEs! #WONKI_on_MixENMax @ENHYPEN_members
[📈] 220618 • TWITTER TRENDS '#NI_KI' is currently trending under the category of K-pop with 79.2k tweets ! 🔥🤎 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 220903 • TWITTER TRENDS ‘NI-KI初凱旋帰国’ (NI-KI FIRST TRIUMPHANT RETURN HOME) & ‘ENHYPEN初来日’ (ENHYPEN FIRST JAPAN VISIT) is currently trending at no 25 & no 26 worldwide 🔥 ENHYPEN初来日&NI-KI初凱旋帰国 #ニキくんおかえりなさい #ENHYPEN日本へようこそ #WelcomeHomeNI_KI
[▶️] 220706 Watch our rapper ni-ki slaying his parts on #ENHYPEN ‘s #FuturePerfect (Pass The Mic) video by Studio Choom 🔥 (full video link in clip ⬇️) Don’t forget to continue streaming the Official MV ! #NI_KI #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 220715 • YOUTUBE #NI_KI mistakenly wrote Nike instead of Ni-ki 😂❤️ 🔗 youtu.be/iimk7DsnQUw #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[🗳] 220606 • WHOSFAN WE DID IT 🎉 🥳 Thank you to everyone who helped us achieve 1st place for #NI_KI with 53.93% of votes. 🥇: Pop up Ad on Whosfan + Global Online News Promotion #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 221218 • FANCAM #NI_KI's 'Blessed-Cursed + ParadoXXX Invasion' (221216) close cam is out now! 🔗: youtu.be/PRnYjByh4K8 Watch it now and don't forget to like! #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #NI_KI @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 220420 • TRENDS "#NI_KI" is currently trending right now under the category of Music with over 63.9k tweets & "RIKI" is trending right now too under the category of K-pop with 21.6k tweets ! #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📰] 221230 • ARTICLE ENGENEs, #NI_KI 's article on Kpopmap is out now! Show your support by reading and sharing the article 💜 'ENHYPEN's Ni-Ki topped the ranking' 📌 bit.ly/3WvZSJO #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN_members twitter.com/Kpopmap/status…
[🗳] 220612 • IDOLPICK 🎉ENGENES, we won‼️ 🥳 #NI_KI won 1st place with 302,306 votes 🤩 Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goal 🥰 🥇: Online article and 7-day billboard advertisement [ 06.20 - 06.26 ] #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN
[💟] 221201 • BDAY ENGENES, you may now vote for your preferred tagline and English tag via this form⬇️ 🔗forms.gle/pxExoqmPyMmZm7… This is the final voting. Please share this post for better awareness! #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[▶️] 220725 • EN-TER KEY Our sweet #NI_KI with the kitten ! 🥹♥️ You can watch the whole video below 👇 🔗: youtu.be/FKV0OTIGR6g #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[▶️] 220718 • YouTube ParadoXXX Invasion Teaser is out now and our #NI_KI looks so cool in bubblegum pink 💗 We cannot wait to see the full choreography! 🔗youtu.be/huo_4tbZHYI PARADOXXX INVASION TEASER 1 #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #ParadoXXXInvasion  #ENHYPEN  @ENHYPEN_members
[💟] 221209 • BIRTHDAY VIDEO Our Love for NI-KI connects us all, from all corners of the world we shout our love to Nishimura Riki! OKAYAMA STAR PRINCE NI-KI #RikiRhythmOfDecember #니키_없는_엔진은_팥없는붕어빵 #祝17歳NI_KIくんが幸せでありますように @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
Happy 500 days with #ENHYPEN 🎉 Looking forward to many more wonderful days together ahead of us ❤️ OUR 500 DAYS LOVE ENHYPEN #500DaysWithENHYPEN #엔하이픈이_채워준_행복한_500일 @ENHYPEN