Sleeping is scary if half unconscious … There’s like a couple of time i heard something like someone walking, and feeling like there’s someone touching my bed and lots of noises of someone talking, like a crowded voices where i know that I’m completely alone.
Good morning!!! Are you guys ready for today iofi’s 3D showcase?!?!
Setelah berdiskusi panjang lebar dengan dompet. Akhirnya saya pun memesannya. Hello home3D i’m coming!
Good morning ✨
I want to play Minecraft. But the PC says no 😔 Idk why they kept declining the launcher and said I don’t have the game.
Also, Gekkou will premiere TODAY at 18:25 GMT+7🔮 Don't miss it 💜 URL
Yagoo sent me a lots of items. And it’s actually arrived yesterday www
Pergi ke gym niatnya olahraga. Pulangnya jalan kaki ngelewatin sekolah. Jajan.
Umm… so how to fix camera when i take a pic, there’s like bug like this?
I’m stuck in the toilet because my malfunctioning zipper. And mchan thought that i’m doing others big idol meeting 😭
I'm gonna spam a pic in this thread. enjoy 📸 #ホロライブ3期生1stライブ
I need food recommendation everyone. Quick! I’m hungry!!!
i really like doing a sing along of Ai no Chiisana Uta. because it really matches my voice. oh, right. that's my own song.
Moona minta maaf ya udah bikin kalian nunggu berjam-jam, nunda nunda stream berkali kali, maaf banget udah teledor dan gak bisa ngatur waktu dengan baik sehingga buat kalian kecewa… Moona minta maaf banget sama apa yang udah terjadi hari ini dan sebelum-sebelumnya 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ah... I oversleep
i bought the same mouse wireless because i lost the charger. :D i only need the charger...
akhirnya baru sempat update social buzz!!! HE HE HE
@takanashikiara Let’s exchange instead