Agreed!!! you will REGRET this if you guys miss it!!!!…
Akhirnya mendapatkan kimono! Kira kira kimononya moona bakalan seperti apa yaaaa??? Jangan lupa ditonton livestreamnya besok! Jum'at 3 Februari 2023 di jam 21:00 WIB GMT+7 !!! ✨✨🔮 URL :… #holoIDKimonoDAY1 #KimonobaruMoona #holoIDKimono
Thankyou for today stream!
I wonder if there’s a good ps 5 game recommended 🧐
My mother said I ate too many chickens cause my top size was getting bigger. Well, i guess… Ayam sorry ku tak kan love you lagi 🥲
I went to a bookstore and found a really nice books.💕💕💕💕 The cover remind me of khonsu.
🔮 🎨 🐿️ 3D Showcase holoID Gen 1 tinggal tiga hari lagi! 🔮 🎨 🐿️ Moona sudah gak sabar untuk menampilkan yang terbaik nih✨ Jangan lupa nonton ya! See you later!!! #MoonaHoshinova3D #AiraniIofifteen3D #AyundaRisu3D
I swear i’m not focus on somewhere else....…
I wonder if someone in here has done making a rock genre song....
Good morning✨
Good morning ☀️
Where’s the other 3K?? I need it wwww
@usadapekora Thank you shachou!!!
YAGOOOOO wwwwwwwwwwwww
Morning, today i dreamt about being a mermaid and piss off my friends because I’m too cool
Sudah 3 hari tidak mandi, ketek ku masih wangy
Good morning💕
hololive 3rd fes にお越しの皆さ〜ん!ムーナを見つけたら、ぜひハッシュタグ付き #つながるホロライブ #Moona_Hoshinova で投稿してね〜!🔮🔮✨✨🙏🙏🙏
Why there is soooo many good song that i couldn’t sing. 😤
yesterday i play minecraft to build something in my bunker. and surprisingly there is amethyst nearby i guess now i have infinite amethyst in the bunker