
ひなたぼこよ ひなたぼこ I'm enjoying basking in the sun #pixlr #straycatj
ことしのはろうぃんは マホウツカイふうなのです Our Halloween costume of this year are images of wizards... #straycatj #menacecatk #Halloween
あっぷー! Close up! #straycatj
ところで…オレがばななに入らずかわにのっかるので、家主がいじけています BTW... My landlady is just sulking because I'm not enter into the banana but sit on its lid 🍌
あさとれなのです It's the morning training #straycatj #menacecatk
きょうはであったきねんびなので ゆうメシにブリをもらうです Today is the anniversary that I had met my landlady at first so I'm going to have some pieces of boiled yellowtail for my dinner today #straycatj #since2015
おはようさまです けさは ちっとひえるですね Good morning everyone, it's quite cool today #pixlr #straycatj
今日の白黒兄弟。寄り添う…? Today's white and black brothers. They're snuggling up...? #straycatj #menacecatk
あさからひなたぼこですよ はるですよ、はる I'm basking in the sun from morning today... Spring has come...! #pixlr #straycatj
でしたのにぃぃいいい💢 Nooooooo! #straycatj twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
どーーーーん! It's Kofu! #pixlr #menacecatk
こんちは こふちゃんでち Hello, this is Kofu ♥ #pixlr #menacecatk
めりくりなのです Merry Christmas #pixlr #straycatj
Jせんせがあらわれたでち! せいこうでち🎉 Wow,master J appears! Kofu have succeeded! #menacecatk #straycatj #Halloween twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
ふんぐぅ Hugggg #pixlr #straycatj
さあ、でしは ねるですよ Hey, it's the sleeping time, apprentice #straycatj #menacecatk
眠たいウシが現れた! A sleepy cow appears! #Pixlr #straycatj
オレはくさがすきなのよ I love to have grasses #straycatj
今日の白黒兄弟。すやすやぴー。 Today's white and black brothers. They're sleeping really well. #straycatj #menacecatk #cats #猫がいる幸せ
ナマイキ!ナマイキよコイツ! He's sassy! Quite sassy he is!💢 #Pixlr
のしのしあるくです Galumph, galumph #Pixlr #straycatj
クリームな何かと黒い何か Something cream and something black #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
ご一緒におくつろぎのところ申し訳ありませんけど、そこ家主のベッドだからどいておくれ? I'm so sorry while you're relaxing together, but I'd like you to move there because this is my bed... #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
あふ。。。 Yawwwn...