
Jさん、舌出てる、舌 Mr. J, blep! Stop! #Pixlr #straycatj
あさメシ よこせです Give us breakfasts 💢 #straycatj #menacecatk
まなてぃーなキセツなのです It's the season of the manatee... #pixlr #straycatj
ねるですので うごくなですよ I'm going to sleep so you don't move, OK? #straycatj
ふおぉーー Huhhhh♪ #pixlr #straycatj
オレねる… I'm going to sleep... 😑 #pixlr #straycatj
あさメシのあとのあさメシくれですよ Give me the second breakfast after the breakfast #pixlr #straycatj
オレはクサがスキなの💢 I love eating grasses!! #straycatj
でしもきたので のんびりするですよ My apprentice has come, so we're going to have a cozy time together #straycatj #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
カイダンするには ちっとおそいですかね Summer has already gone so it may be too late to tell an horror story #pixlr #straycatj
ちょうどイイ シボリのヌノがありましてね She had very nice shibori dying silk, and then... twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
すりっぱとは… あんよをぬくめるモノときいたですので… I've heard that slippers are used to make feet warm... #pixlr #straycatj
たいむと きゃっとにっぷの くびわなのです いやしとムシヨケだそうです It's a collar made with some thyme and catnip... my landlady tells me it's useful for healing and rejecting bugs......😑 #straycatj
ありがと・・・ Ah... Thanks... 😑 #straycatj twitter.com/charlubby/stat…
なんかオレに言うことあるですよね You must have something to say to me
おかしゃん! ぱんにも…じゃない、こふちゃんにもごはんでち! Mom... A bread, no, Kofu want my breakfast! #pixlr #menacecatk
ハラぽーち まっさーじ中なのです I'm having the massage for my primordial pouch #straycatj
なんかくれだんすを びでおで ごらんください It's the give me yummy dance in video! #straycatj
ぱっくり 2びょう前でち ぐふふふふふ It's just 2seconds before when Kofu would bite, ghehehehehe #straycatj #menacecatk #cats #猫がいる幸せ
I'm now chilling with a sloppy style オレはいまちょっとダラシナイかっこうできゅうけい中です #straycatj #screamingcatj #cat #猫 #ねこ
なんです オレはまだねるのです Huh, I'm going to sleep more...... #straycatj
ばぁぁぁ こふちゃんでちーーー!! Bahhhhhh! Kofu am coming!! #menacecatk
くうけど! But I'm going to eat them! #straycatj twitter.com/screamingcatj/…