ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FANBASE(slow)(@LHSGlobalTeam)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[FACEBOOK] A fun edit of #HEESEUNG on Facebook went viral among Vietnamese fans. The edit has been reposted in more than 30+ fanpages/blogs. Attracting more people who got curious because of his visuals, asking who is the handsome man. The posts gain big engagements as well.
120322 | BYS FUNMEET Teaser shots with the banners ! 📸 (highlights will be posted soon!) #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 #HEESEUNG @ENHYPEN
A university in Indonesia (University of Yogyakarta/UNY) used Heeseung's picture in their welcome message for their new students. Congratulations to those who got accepted. Have a wonderful school year ahead. 🤍 #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN twitter.com/HimakomUNY/sta…
Happy Birthday Sunghoon. We always appreciate your efforts and hard work. Continue doing things that you love. Enjoy your special day! Always be safe and healthy. We love you! 🫶❄️ GIFT OF WINTER SUNGHOON #OurDecemberWarmthSUNGHOON #겨울이_피워낸_성훈이라는_눈꽃
[🎥GDA] 010723 🦌: The award that Engenes made...I'll be an artist who gives lots of honor with more amazing activities, next year. #희승 #HEESEUNG @ENHYPEN_members
[❤️#SarangHEELand] Heeseung Lamp Post Banners for Manifesto in Manila are SECURED! Our team is still open for your donations to make more projects possible.🫶 ↳ DONATE HERE: forms.gle/yAwrq87K1th2y6… or 📨Send a dm to @HeeseungFunds for project inquiries and donations. #희승
[📰INFO] #HEESEUNG is Ranked #25 on the Top 30 most searched K-pop male and female idol group members on YouTube in the US in the first half of 2022.🔥🎉 🔗m.pann.nate.com/talk/366655844 #희승 #엔하이픈_희승 #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
The Face of A Drill Instructor Award - ENHYPEN 🏆😊 🔗youtu.be/opwQ2CnI_TQ #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG #엔하이픈_희승 @ENHYPEN_members
[📽️MUSICBank] 220624 [K-Fancam] 엔하이픈 희승 직캠 'Blessed-Cursed' (ENHYPEN HEESEUNG Fancam) 🔗youtu.be/yimREAJE2iI #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG #엔하이픈_희승 #HEESEUNG #희승 @ENHYPEN
Congratulations ENHYPEN for having another win for Future Perfect ! ENHYPEN TENTH WIN #ENHYPEN10thWin #FuturePerfect2ndWin #ENHYPEN #HEESEUNG
[📷] 020423 #ENHYPEN with Winter and London (Children of @happeehour @Vernon_Go) Instagram update 📸 #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG #희승 #HEESEUNG #엔하이픈_희승 @ENHYPEN_members
[🌟] Funds for Heeseung Donation for #HEESEUNG funds is on-going. These will be used for voting events, and future projects (birthday).🤗 🔗docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… We need your support, everyone! ✨ #엔하이픈_희승
[📸KMEDIA] 013023 ENHYPEN Heeseung ‘atmosphere like a movie star’ 🔗entertain.naver.com/read?oid=609&a… 🔗sns.newsen.com/news_view.php?… 🔗entertain.naver.com/read?oid=609&a… 🔗sns.newsen.com/news_view.php?… Remember to engage in any related positive articles of Heeseung. #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 @ENHYPEN_members
[INFO] UNIVERSAL MUSIC PHILIPPINES (UMUSICPHILIPPINES) mentioned HEESEUNG (with BTS Jungkook) on their shorts clips on YouTube 😍 “I want to wrap myself in Jungkook and #Heeseung’s voice 😭🫶🏼” 🔗m.youtube.com/shorts/15SPVMm… #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 #HEESEUNG @ENHYPEN_members
Happy birthday!Thank you for sharing your talents with us. At such a young age, you have already proven so many things & we are very proud of you.Let’s keep moving along with the rhythm guiding us!🎂 OKAYAMA STAR PRINCE NI-KI #RikiRhythmOfDecember #니키_없는_엔진은_팥없는붕어빵
[💫HEEDAY22] Project 1: HEEAds'22 More Billboard Advertisements to make a Heeland! Let’s make his birthday extra special !❤️ Be part and make this possible! 🙆‍♀️ Click this link to donate: 🔗docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #HEESEUNG #이희승 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[🎉HEECOVER] [Cover] ENHYPEN HEESEUNG - Off My Face (원곡: Justin Bieber) has now surpassed 9M views with 768K likes. ❣️ 🔗youtu.be/n4PDo8W2FJQ Watch Heeseung's beautiful song cover along their MV. Let's keep supporting their music. 💜 @ENHYPEN_members #HEESEUNG_OFFMYFACE
[ 🎥 MUBANK | 06.24.22 ] Blessed-Cursed - 희승 cut #ENHYPEN_HEESEUNG #엔하이픈_희승 #HEESEUNG #희승 @ENHYPEN
Just a little bit🎶 just a little bit🎵 😌👍 #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 #HEESEUNG_OFFMYFACE @ENHYPEN_members
[📢] HIRING! We are now looking for more dedicated members of our team. We intend to look for someone who will focus and participate in planning for Heeseung’s birthday (+ other events ) Check the application form.🙇🏻‍♀️ 🔗 forms.gle/oCHT2im1v8ozht… @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[TIKTOK] #Heeseung's snippet of 'So sick' by Ne-yo has been used as a sound on Tiktok and is still gaining attention with more than 20k videos in less than a month. 🔗vt.tiktok.com/ZSdohreQn/ You can also use this sound on your special videos. ❤️#엔하이픈_희승 @ENHYPEN_members
[❤️#SarangHEEland] 4 days to go! 2 Lampost banners for #Heeseung are now up! Time to check everything and prepare for their arrival in the Philippines.❤️Are you ready? Take a photo and share your excitement with Enhypen's Funmeet in Manila. #ENHYPENwithBYSPH @ENHYPEN_members
[ 🌹🎼] It’s been a blissful month since we got HeeCover! Show your appreciation for Heeseung as you drop the tags! ONE MONTH WITH HEEGIFT #HEESEUNG_OffMyFace 💜youtu.be/n4PDo8W2FJQ #엔하이픈_희승 #희승 #ヒスン #李羲承 @ENHYPEN_members