프리티비지 Prettybusy(@Prettybusy_KR)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

가장 많은 질문에 대한 Q&A입니다. 그 외 질문도 언제든지 공식 메일을 통해 최선을 다해 답변드리겠습니다. It's an answer to the part that you're most curious about. If you have any questions, please send us an official email anytime. We’ll do our best to answer. Always, thank you
[Notification of Prettybusy's 2022 production schedule] We'd like to inform you about the update & development schedule of the next contents that many people are waiting for. We would appreciate it if you could be with us, sprint fervently this year as well. Thank you always.
<We are preparing for Christmas. And season 2!> We are preparing a login screen and a pretty lobby for Christmas. Also, the expected launch date for season 2 is Dec 22. Please look forward to the season 2 with extra illustrations, phone calls added while you've been waiting for.
<DKDK LoveUnholyc Class Delayed Launch Festival D-14> The next price is LU Eater's Acrylic Standee. We’ll draw 5 people from RT & send those unconditionally, free shipping. Hope the Eater's curse will bless U in this time too. *It's not a limited, but a product to be sold.
Today is LoveUnholyc's first anniversary. Thank you so much for loving LoveUnholyc for a year. For our precious Unholycs, we prepare some gift for a day. #LoveUnholyc
시즌2에서는, 여러분의 마음을 알게 된 남자주인공들이 여러분을 맞이하게 됩니다. 달라진 모습과, 본격적인 남자 주인공들과의 관계를 기대해주세요! +새롭게 제작되는 스탠딩과 일러스트들을 포함, 요청이 많았던 2차 텀블벅을 준비 중에 있습니다. 항상 감사드립니다. #러브언홀릭 #정하이
Distribute login screen wallpaper for Valentine's Day. 2560x1440 (for Pads) 720x1280 720x1560 We hope you have a sweet Valentine's Day with a romantic guy, Eater, like thick chocolate. #LoveUnholyc
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO! Sep 28th is Leo's birthday, a man who is sweet like honey and shines like gold. For Leo's birthday, who are the people who spent busier days than Leo? Watch the video and check it & log at the game and get the items from Leo! #LoveUnholyc #Happybirthday_Leo
Here we unveil the new login pic (ver.sepia) that will be updated soon. 30th April, Sol is coming to meet you again. #LoveUnholyc
Trick or treat! For 2021 Halloween, a new login screen, new Halloween skin set and the lobby background that you missed will visit you. Happy Halloween! -Login screen/Lobby background: 10/30 12:00~ -Skin Set present: 10/30 06:00~ -You can meet them during 7 days #LoveUnholyc
이미 사라진 것들을, 우린 지키려고 해. We're trying to protect, what we’ve already lost. #Prettybusy_next_project #what_AA_means...?
<What in Hell is bad?> About the Game #4 ver.Eng ver. esp Next info > Tomorrow
Barbatos "You are the most beautiful when you only wear sunlight.” "Eres lo más hermoso cuando solo tienes la luz del sol." #WHB #Whatinhellisbad?
10/31 00:00, 이터가 여러분을 찾아갑니다. 10/31 00:00, Eater is coming to you.
<Noticias sobre la Temporada 3 de LoveUnholyc> Aquí anunciamos las noticias de LU T3 para los muchos Profanos que están esperándolo. Esperamos que DKDK LU Class pueda ser su alegría durante el tiempo de espera hasta el lanzamiento de LU T3. Agradecidos siempre. #DKDK_CLASS
<DokiDoki LoveUnholyc Class Delayed Launch Festival D-19> The festival continues. The next prize is LoveUnholyc cube memo. We’ll draw 5 people among RT and send the prize without any conditions. (Free shipping!) *This product is scheduled for sale, not limited.
<Dev's Note> We've included the development progress that is currently preparing & what you may curious about. Sincerely+sincerely, thank you so much to every Unholyc who always being with us. ver.Eng zrr.kr/KhN6 "You should never come back to this universe again!"
[LU S3 developing note] The S3 is being smoothly developed. Being careful about the spoiler, we reveal some sketch & part of new characters. You'll be able to meet more disastrous, beautiful last story within this year for certain. We always thank you all sincerely for waiting.
<Prettybusy is now (2)> The art team is working on various video calls that will be updated with <If Story>. It's time to use your video call tickets…! #LoveUnholyc
<DokiDoki LoveUnholyc Class Delayed Launch Festival D-30> We're starting a small festival for Unholycs who must have been upset by the delay. Until the release, we will spend the waiting time as through the News or Event every day.
<지옥이 뭐가 나빠?> ver. 日本語 <地獄のどこが悪い?> ver. 臺語 <地獄有什麼不好?> Info #1
[Happy birthday Seojoon!] Check out what a splendid present Leo and James prepared for photographer Seojoon, who is so obsessed with 'beauty' that he can distinguish Unholycs unconsciously, with the cartoon. #LoveUnholyc
<두근두근러브언홀릭교실 미뤄진 출시 축제 D-27> 인형에 관한 첫 번째 정보. <DokiDoki LoveUnholyc Class Delayed Launch Festival D-27> The first information about the dolls.