Hi, Claude, Babe and the new game.
The beginning of LoveUnholyc Universe.
*The next information > will be updated on next Friday.
#LoveUnholyc #Newgame
[Happy birthday William!] (1)
For the birthday of best nagging butler in the world, William, we unveil a renewed standing.
We tried to express his uniquely dangerous mood & leisurely self better than before.Through this, you'll be able to enjoy a more plentiful S3.
The most unholyc ending in the world of Unholyc.
Here we unveil the pre-view illustrations of the dark endings.
Dark Ending is designed to meet you naturally when you break your accomplishments.
Hope you have Unholyc nights.
Here're new login screen to welcome you during Halloween season. (To be updated in this week)
We distribute them in three sizes so that you can use them as a wallpaper.
#loveunholyc #Halloween
이것은 그저 즐기기 위한 패러디 입니다(웃음). 영상속의 멋진 고양이들과, 원본 영상을 제작하신 분께 감사를 전합니다.
This is just a parody for Joke. Thank you to the wonderful cats in the video, and to the person who produced the original video.
Here we present you the Valentine's&New Years day wallpaper.
The information of the contents for the Valentine's&New Years day and voice recording scene would be updated one by one soon, too.
Thank you always.
We wanted Leo to be expressed as a character with the charm of a job as a model and the most mature look. The former renewal standing didn't meet 100% of our intentions, so we came up with a new design.
Here's a Leo's new standing renewal version.
#LoveUnholyc #LoveUnholyc_Leo
<생일 축하해, 테드!>
하이: 생신 축하드려요~ 대디~!!! 워후~~!!!
테드: (왜 네가 더 난리인 거야…)
<Happy Birthday, Ted!>
Hi: Happy birthday~ Daddy~!!! Woohoo~~!!!
Ted: (why are you fussing more than me…)
<¡Feliz cumpleaños, Ted!>
Hi: Feliz cumpleaños~ ¡¡¡Papi~!!! ¡¡¡Wuujuu~~!!!… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
"…Did I mention? That I have no hard feelings for you.”
"…¿Lo mencioné? Que no siento rencor hacia ti."
#WHB #Whatinhellisbad?
We were so glad and happy in 2020, 'cause we finally meet all of you, our dear Unholycs.
We look forward to your kind cooperation in 2021 too.
Happy New Year! 🐮✨
"You don't look very sick, but I still want to touch you."
**The Spanish version will be updated tomorrow.
#WHB #Whatinhellisbad?
한국은 추석입니다. 모든 언홀릭 여러분들이 행복한 추석을 보내실 수 있길 바랍니다.
It's Chuseok holiday in Korea. Hope every Unholyc can have happy Chuseok.
#러브언홀릭 #LoveUnholyc
사랑하는 언홀릭분들께 하이가 즐거운 뉴스로 인사드립니다! 자세한 내용은 영상을 확인해주세요!
To our beloved Unholycs, Hi greet you with delightful news! Please check the video!
A todos nuestros queridos Unholycs, ¡Hi los saluda con encantadoras noticias! ¡Por favor miren el video!
[Happy Birthday, Hi!]
Today is the birthday of Jung-Hi, the unheeding&adorable&best idol of the world. Check out what gifts fans and friends have prepared for Hi through the video.
*Log in the game and get <10 Tears of Asmodeus+10 Time Tickets+1 Character Ticket>!
생일 축하해, 샤샤!
Happy Birthday Shasha!
오늘은 세상에서 가장 로맨틱한 친구, 샤샤의 생일입니다. 피어스, 힘내…!
Today is Shasha’s BD, the most romantic friend in the world. Way to go, Pierce…!
Happy birthday to Siu and Babe twins!
They are twins who have admired everything Sol does since they were young, but there is only one thing they can't follow...
Recently, we released renewed Eater for S3, but we’ve judged that his strong personality has disappeared while emphasized boyish beauty. As he's one of the most important characters in LU, we re-renewed his standing with new fashion&proportions to suit the position.
러브언홀릭 시즌 3 ~Destiny~
LoveUnholyc Season 3 ~Destiny~
Finale, William
#러브언홀릭 #LoveUnholyc
"Falling from grace isn't bad either."
"Caer en desgracia tampoco es malo."
#WHB #Whatinhellisbad?
<DokiMeki LoveUnholyc Will Be Released!>
You can enjoy romance with Sori who always late for school with biting bread, Ha-jung who wanna be a fire fighter helping heart burning people, and Leol who dreams of career and romance!
-Windows 95/higher
-Love Simulation
"This time, I'll never miss you.
Whether you want it or not."
Winter 2021
LoveUnholyc Season. 3
<Destiny> Release
#loveunholyc #otome