⏰ IDOLCHAMP Team Jimin! Pls go to IC right now, like & reply all these JM’s related posts in “Community” We are needing many active IDOLCHAMP participants. Pls encourage your fellow moots to participate here!
🗳NETIZENS REPORT D-45 Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf Ranking: #2 Gap: 433 🆘 The Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗bit.ly/3zo0MOV Ranking: #2 Gap: 8009 For those who can't vote a while ago, the site is working now, please vote now!
Keep voting on website….‼️ twitter.com/voteforpjm/sta…
Go to Netizens Report Instagram, like & reply under JM’s photo. Pls avoid sp@mming. You can also use the tags in your own instagram posts. 🔗instagram.com/p/CkxTdoyKq27/… INSTAGRAM TAG🔽 I vote #parkjimin for Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenetizensreport #NETIZENSREPORT
Jimin has once again won in Star Idol Male Ranking conducted by Star News Korean Portal Site! He’s maintaining his record as No.1 Idol ranking 1st for 54 consecutive weeks!🔥 Congratulations Jimin!🥳 Keep voting on Round 55! 🔗 bit.ly/3Eh6PYr
Jimin took the top spot in the Star Ranking for 54 weeks in a row boasting overwhelming popularity! Jimin received a total of 41,853 votes👏 Congratulations Jimin!💫 Please continue to vote in the 55th round 🔗bit.ly/3WOaWCm Naver 🔗naver.me/x0h17NQr
🗳 NETIZENS APP iOS apple.co/3TJhUGZ Android bit.ly/3FuYZva Rank: 1st (KCOTY) Gap: 47K We can now vote in KCOTY. Pls go to the app and vote for Jimin using all your emails & then come back to participate our hashtags challenge 💪
When you use hashtags make sure to add some captions or words ⬇️ VOTE FOR JIMIN! I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport
🔘Daily # Challenge 🎯 1000 RT 2000 replies Previous goal achieved!👏 Now let's start a new round of challenge, please participate Team Jimin💪 I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport Drop the ss of your web & app votes too!
🗳King Choice D-20 HOT 100 KPOP IDOLS 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DrVMtX Rank: 1st Gap: 22K Let’s give some minutes & vote for JM here as #2 is catching up! ✅ upvote JM 3x ✅ watch ad to get 3vts ✅ Log in thru SNS ✅ Use all web & sns browsers, data/wifi
We have received lots of DMs about FanPlus. Let’s talk. Let us ask you some questions: how many FP accts do you have currently? Do you still want to make accts but you don’t have phone numbers? Pls comment here what do you need! The admins will provide you any help!
⏰ IDOLCHAMP JM is nominated in “The Most Popular Idol in Saudi Arabia” poll. As we believe our Jimin’s album is coming, it’s better to reserve Ruby Chamsims (red hearts ♥️) to be used in Music Show Votings. So you may cast your time chamsims (💙) for JM but DO NOT use❤️‼️
The App is not working currently. So keep voting on Website 🙏‼️ twitter.com/voteforpjm/sta…
⏰ IDOLCHAMP Pls go to IDOLCHAMP Community , Like & reply all these JM’s related posts. Do it daily. We don’t even have 500 participants yet kindly download an App & collect Chamsims..
The gap in ACOTY (App) is increasing quickly and it’s almost 8K now! Check your 4 hours voting schedule & vote for Jimin now‼️ twitter.com/voteforpjm/sta…
Please make sure to vote in your respective voting schedules on website Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf The Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗bit.ly/3zo0MOV
🔘Daily # Challenge 🎯 1000 RT 2000 replies We reached the RT goal yesterday but not the replies. Let's aim for both! Vote using the template👇 I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport Drop the ss of your web & app votes too!
The Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗bit.ly/3zo0MOV Website: 2nd Gap: 8266 App: #1 Gap: 43,827 Please make sure to vote on KCOTY after you voted in ACOTY category. Please be reminded that the full amount of $4000 will only be given if we made JM wins in both categories
Please visit the CARRD and vote for Jimin in other ongoing polls. I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport voteforpjm.carrd.co
There are some who still have doubts on us despite of all the things we have done from the past that led to success. We just want to let you know that we won't do anything that will put JM & the team to a bad light, we always scrutinize all the voting rules & follow accordingly
🗳NETIZENS REPORT D-47 Asian Celebrity Of The Year 2022 🔗bit.ly/3DiGFTf The Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗bit.ly/3zo0MOV JM is on the second spot in both categories. The gap is even bigger in KCOTY. While you are waiting for App schedule, help vote here‼️
Team Jimin the gap in ACOTY is 8.9K now. The gap is quickly increasing in one hour. We are also doing as much as we can. Can you all pls participate? We know you all are active right now🥺 If we can’t close the gap, it will get bigger at dawn, pls VOTE FOR JIMIN NOW‼️ twitter.com/voteforpjm/sta…
Not voting related, I just looked up at the sky, but did you see the blood moon? I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport
Participate in our hashtags challenge & consistently vote on Website and app! All the voters here are very hardworking but we do not have enough participation.. If this continues, we can’t take the lead again! DM us if you can contribute any help…. twitter.com/voteforpjm/sta…
So excited about this, so Jimin’s even going to have a background vocal choir to back up his song😍 He’s also working with so many awesome producers & engineers🔥 PJM1 release is something everyone looks forward, so while waiting, let's support JM in every possible way we can!🙏