There will be Fan plus 3x event from 17 (00:00KST) to 20 November. Do not miss this opportunity to earn bigger votes! ▫️45 votes per ad (max 1350 vt tickets) ▫️2700 vt tickets from friends (50 friends) ▫️3780 vt tickets (max 70 friends)++
🔘Daily # Challenge (NETIZENS) 🎯 1000 RT 2000 replies Our previous goal was achieved!🙏 Hoping we can be consistent in participating with such activities to boost JM's Twitter votes!💪 I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport
🗳King Choice D-14 HOT 100 KPOP IDOLS 2022 🔗 Rank: 1st Gap: 23K 🆘 Team Jimin pls visit the site every hour to vote for JM.💪 ✅ upvote JM 3x ✅ watch ad to get 3vts ✅ log in thru SNS ✅ use all browsers, data/wifi
The gap is 9K now. Let’s vote consistently Team Jimin🙏💪…
🗳 Brazilian Awards #PAK2022 🏆 OST of the Year 🔗 With You is nominated in #PAK2022 Brazilian Awards! Pls vote for With You. ✅ Click “MOSTRA CATEGORIAS” ✅ Choose OST category (Categoria #1 OST do Ano) ✅ Choose “With You” & click “Votar” (Vote)
Our goal for the daily challenge has been achieved in just 8 hours!👏👏 Thanks for cooperating!🙏 Please keep using the hashtags, there's no limit, but please avoid spamming. I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport…
🗳 DABEME TOP 100 Most Handsome Faces Of K-POP in 2022 Ranking: 6th 🔗 No progress, JM is still on the #6 spot! Manage your voting sched, this is the only unlimited poll which means you can vote anytime! I vote #JIMIN of #BTS for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace
🗳King Choice D-15 HOT 100 KPOP IDOLS 2022 🔗 Rank: 1st Gap: 25K 🚨 Let’s visit the site every hour to vote for JM. Widen the gap💪 ✅ upvote JM 3x ✅ watch ad to get 3vts ✅ log in thru SNS ✅ use all browsers, data/wifi
🗳 DABEME TOP 100 Most Handsome Faces Of K-POP in 2022 Ranking: 6th 🔗 Please spare time to vote for JM here after you vote on Netz. As this is unlimited voting, pls try vote as many times as you can! I vote #JIMIN of #BTS for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace
⏰ IDOLCHAMP Team Jimin! Let’s go to IDOLCHAMP App right now! Pls visit “Community” to like & reply all these JM’s related posts! This doesn’t take much of our time so let’s be active daily!💪
Just a reminder that a solo Jimin Tiktok video won in the MAMA 2021 as Favorite Tiktok Moment
Attention 🔈 Team Jimin! We are not sure if JM will be nominated in 2022 Star Play Awards but the Final Round Nominees may be announced on November 16. As he won and got the highest votes in StarPlay Birthday so we are sure Team Jimin is ready to collect.++
Saw this on CHO... I don't know if the purpose of the ribbon is to cover the view🫢 or is it supposed to be a gift😂
2000 replies achieved ✔ Only 200 QRT/RT to complete our daily challenge. Thanks to those who participated & will participate🙏 I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport…
Calling all Team Jimin to join us now 📣 Kindly participate pls‼️…
🗳King Choice D-16 HOT 100 KPOP IDOLS 2022 🔗 Rank: 1st Gap:23K🆘 The gap keeps decreasing, visit the site right now & vote for JM. It only takes one minute 🙏 ✅ upvote JM 3x ✅ watch ad to get 3vts ✅ log in thru SNS ✅ use all browsers, data/wifi
🔘Daily # Challenge (NETIZENS) 🎯 1000 RT 2000 replies Previous result RT ✔ Comments ❌ Come on Team Jimin, we can do better! You just need to copy paste the template & add few words! I vote #JIMIN of BTS for #NETIZENSREPORT Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2022 @thenreport
🗳️ Netizens Report Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗 Rank: #2 Gap: 4981 The gap decreased to 5k! We never lose our faith with our hard working Team Jimin! We're hoping others can also help, we can't do this with only few participants, let's keep going!🙏
🗳 DABEME TOP 100 Most Handsome Faces Of K-POP in 2022 Ranking: 6th 🔗 JM keeps on dropping on the lower spot as he doesn't get a decent amount of votes! This is unlimited voting so you can go here after you vote to other polls that have waiting time!
NEHAN [Wk 11.14 D-6] Male Idol Popularity Rank: #4 This is a continuous ranking, so with our without a reminder make it a habit to vote at least thrice a day! ✅ Watch ad to reduce waiting time by 2hrs ✅ Vote thru wifi/data & all ur device browsers 🔗
🗳King Choice D-16 HOT 100 KPOP IDOLS 2022 🔗 Rank: 1st Gap:25K 🆘 Don’t forget to set your alarm & vote for JM every hour! ✅ upvote JM 3x ✅ watch ad to get 3vts ✅ Log in thru sns, use all google accts ✅ Use all web & sns browsers, data/wifi
⏰ IDOLCHAMP Team Jimin! Pls go to IDOLCHAMP App. Then visit “Community”to like & reply all these JM’s related posts! We still need lots of participants so if you haven’t downloaded an App yet, pls do it now & be a part of IC Team 👍
The gap is 21K now. If you can join us pls participate & vote for Jimin‼️…
🗳️ Netizens Report The Korean Celebrity Of The Year 🔗 Rank: #2 Gap: 8K Team let’s try to close the gap pls participate & vote for Jimin if you are available right now! Let’s go 🏃🏻‍♀️
These producers have taken it upon themselves to post all thrilled & some with excited remarks raving about the joy working with JM. Jimin has now not only been exposed & met these next level producers, but has been actually been involved working with them. 😍