Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

2. Why has the #US been preventing, single-handedly & for 20 years, the conclusion of a Biological Weapons Convention verification protocol?
The OHCHR should focus on the US's genocide of Native Americans and labor trafficking from overseas and shed light on these serious violations, pursue accountability and release an assessment on the US violations of human rights.
And a journalist reporting on the scene a threat too? Is this “freedom of press” that the US has been proud of?…
Le Président Xi Jinping et le Président Macron, à la Résidence de la Pinède, à Guangzhou, ont écouté l’air Montagne majestueuse et Eaux ruisselantes, exécuté par une cithare chinoise Guqin, qui, vieille de 1276 ans et connue sous le nom de « Jiu Xiao Huan Pei »,...
According to Spokesman Price @StateDeptSpox, the #US “does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraine”. But Under Secretary Nuland admitted the existence of biological research facilities in #Ukraine. Who's not telling the truth?
The mystery of #FortDetrick. To be revealed.…
A #softrobot serving tea at #20thCPC National Congress press center 🍵🦾. So smooth & precise! It even performs an inviting gesture after pouring - the latest interactive design of #ChineseTechnology. What a marvel!
We shall always keep an enterprising spirit. The CPC and our people have sought long and hard to open a Chinese path to modernization. This is a great yet enormous undertaking. The enormity of the task is what makes it great and infinitely glorious.
.@SecBlinken said the US is working to uphold basic principles. Wonder when the #US launched wars on Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan... led NATO eastward expansion and went back on its one-China commitment, has the US been upholding “basic principles”?
The 454th flight mission of the Long March series rockets -- China's Long March-4C rocket has been launched, carrying a pair of satellites to be used for in-orbit verification of new technologies.
Some of the "#5Eyes" complained about their military aircraft being “threatened" in the South China Sea or the East China Sea. How intriguing. What are they doing at China’s doorstep 8000 kilometers away?
“I have lived in China for over 12 years ... These are things you won’t see on Western media,” Syrian student Zein Ali shares his thoughts on his life in China.
“Why did the #refugees come? Because of war.” “Where did the war come from? From my country. From the CIA." #US
If the US is indeed a responsible country, it should have prevented #Pelosi's irresponsible aggression early on and it should have removed the many military vessels and aircraft it has deployed right at China’s doorstep.
Another flower bouquet from college student to @MFA_China for protecting Chinese nationals abroad. Touching & encouraging. We'll surely keep working hard.
Pakistani FM Bilawal Zardari: “The genuine nature of our relationship isn’t a transactional relationship. It’s not sth that ebbs and wanes. It’s sth that has been consistent and across the board ... Our relationship is higher than the Himalayas and sweeter than honey.” #ThisIsCPC
President Xi Jinping inspected #Xinjiang last week. These were moments in his visit to Xinjiang’s Turpan, one of the hottest places in China and famed for its sweet fruits.
President Xi Jinping met with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia. China sees Saudi Arabia as an important force in the multi-polar world and attaches great importance to developing the comprehensive strategic partnership with #SaudiArabia.
If it had been someone else, the story would have made headlines. Another vivid example of some Western media's self-proclaimed impartiality. Freedom of press or echo chamber, that is the question.
In his visit to #Nepal, State Councilor & Foreign Minister Wang Yi said #China and Nepal have set a good example of mutual respect, equal treatment and win-win cooperation between large and small countries.
The envy of babysitters.
The issues related to #Xinjiang are not about human rights, but bear on China’s sovereignty&territorial integrity. The US & several Western countries are pushing for a draft decision on XJ by dressing it up as a technical/procedural matter. This is extremely misleading & harmful.
China has done everything diplomatically possible. We had repeatedly warned the US through various channels of the severe harm this visit could cause.