Some thirty citizens were surrounded by #riot #police outside Apple Store, #CausewayBay. #HKPF also fired pepper guns and tear gas in #Central.
Credits:HK Golden Facebook Live
This is outrageous. It is absolutely a political purge. @joshuawongcf cant attend his university’s graduation ceremony and @chowtingagnes cant celebrate her birthday tmr.
Is it a crime to demand the police to be impartial enforcement?
Certainly not. Rmb, they are not criminal.
We are enraged by the mass arrest and urge the Free World to deploy, including but not limited to sanctions over officials responsible for the violations of human rights and to hit the brakes for any investment agreement under way.
Full statement: bit.ly/35cYkMc
This afternoon, riot police tried to provoke citizen again during a peacful rally which was to support the Uyghurs. A riot police even drew his revolver and held it up, threatening all the civilians.
HK police just arrested three teenagers in Mong Kok. Residents assembled there to protest against the gov to use community hospital to be quarantine zone.
“12” is more than just a number
12 Hkers were arrested by the Chin gov when fleeing from HK.
I was nominated by @nathanlawkc
to join the global campaign to post a #save12hkyouths pic & tag 3 fds to spread the msg.
I would nom @SolomonYue
@JimmyLaiApple & @SenPaterson to join.
Outrageous. May the international community, especially the common law jurisdiction take note of these ludicrous comments by a High Court Judge. After draconian rulings here comes one with twisted logic. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Thank you @SenJeffMerkley for supporting #HongKongHumanRightsAndDemocracyAct and making several amendments to perfect the bill which bans the US exporting crowd-control weapons to @hkpoliceforce ‼️ We will keep fighting for #democracy and #freedom 💪🏻
The people will rise and rise again.
Now in #Central the crowd is marching on as today marks the anniversary of the movement.
Credits @rthk_news
HK Correctional Service Dept repeatedly torture political prisoners, violating UNCAT. CSD Comr WOO Ying-Ming & Supt NG Shiu-fan should be held accountable. They fulfilled #MagnitskyAct sanction requirement. HKers & free world don’t tolerate such behavior. m.youtube.com/watch?v=sG0x_q…
Thanks @SenTedCruz for agreeing to film a video to support #HKers
He visited HK before and wore all BLACK ! He mentions that #HK is the new Berlin & is fighting the #communist China
He condemns the #HKpolice and will keep supporting us!
We’re grateful. Plz thank him!
Please help spread this message to the free world. Hong Kong is in ever more jeopardy. Stand with us in the fight against the rise of China. twitter.com/HKurbanist/sta…
Guys, #PolyU is in dire situation
It is completely surrounded by #HKPoliceTerrorists No one can go in or leave
We need to save them. Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be huge casualties
Massacre could happen
Polices are already equipped with rifles and snipers
Save them Now
@StandNewsHK is the largest pro-democracy media remaining after the fall of Apple Daily. Its reports reveal the government’s corrupted behaviors and the agency is thus considered subversive by the authority. Beijing seeks to control the flow of information among the public.
This Thursday (28/11), I will organise a thanksgiving rally with my peers. We are grateful the #USCongress passed the bill and we hope the President can sign it soon.
#HKers it’s time for us to show gratitude & appreciation to Americans 🇺🇸
Today 47 candidates in the Primaries are officially being charged by the NSL. The max sentence is life imprisonment.
CCP aims to eradicate the whole pro-democracy camp in HK. As a nominee in exile, I urge @JoeBiden and @ABlinken to react on this crackdown.
#StandWithHongKong twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
This is Eric TSANG, the newly appointed Secretary of HK's Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau. What a loyal servant of the #CCP. The HK govt is nothing but Beijing's marionette. 1C2S's gate has long been breached.
Thank you for standing with HK Sen. @HawleyMO
Currently, there are around 400 students are trapped inside. Half of them are just high school kids. Plz help rescue them by putting grave pressure on HK government! twitter.com/HawleyMO/statu…
#HongKong is not a third world country. And yet a university campus (#CUHK) unprecedentedly transformed into a #battlefield today.
#HKPolice leaves us NO CHOICE.
If they want to pick a fight with us, so be it. They will regret it.
Let the world be our witness.