
緊急法根本叫「獨裁法」,佢可以隨時要你坐強制性終身監禁!圖中為四大重點! #HongKongProstests #StandWithHongKong #CarrieLam #Hongkongers #Totalitarianism #HKGETV
Senator Jeff Merkley has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SenJeffMerkley
[30,000 signature needed to urge the German Bundestag to sanction China!!] China is the culprit to blame not only regarding spreading the COVID 19, but also for violating international law by imposing the "National Security Law". Please help sign the petition before October 20th!
929 Global Anti-Totalitarianism Rally: Many protesters waved multi-national flags including US & UK, UN flag, Tibetan National Flag & the flag saying, “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our times”. #929GlobalAntiTotalitarianism #chinazi #HongKongProtest #SOSHK
Ms. Denise Ho calls for the Global Anti-Totalitarianism Rally on 28-29 September 何韻詩小姐對928-929全球反極權遊行呼籲 製作此短片, 特別感謝以下合作團隊: - 民間記者會 @CitizensPC #HKGETV #香城教育電視 #民間記者會 #929rallies
Rev. Patrick Mahoney has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @revmahoney