Chinese Communist Party is a Terrorist Organization. It destroyed Chinese Peoples Ethics separating their Families, Loves, their hearts from the Divine. CCP Virus stems from this! 中共是恐怖組織。它毀滅了中國人的倫理,拆散他們的家庭,割斷他們與神的聯繫。 中共病毒由此而生!
Fmr. Vice Pres. Got 1.5 Billion From CCP Corporations as China Ran Death Camps. He's playing political games as #HongKong Youth Die. Criminal Politician CCP Sex Tapes! 中共在設立死亡營,前副總統卻收受中共15億美元;在香港年輕人付出生命時玩政治遊戲。被中共掌握性錄像的罪惡政客們👇…
Breath of Life represents all that is human from the birth of the Universe: The CCP Virus wants to choke the breath of life out of the human race globally* Have No Fear, Be Cautious, Endure it, Eliminate the CCP- Choke it back by Exposing its Crimes Against Humanity!
Illegal Takeover of #HongKong by CCP is a Fatal Mistake that will lead to the Toad Regimes Demise! 中共非法佔領香港是致命錯誤,會導致蛤蟆政權垮台!
China CCP Huawei Moblizes Machines to Rule World in Orwellian #5G BRI System with #AI Digital Brain. Our Discovery Published OCT-2019 中共華為用「AI數字大腦」調動機械設備,企圖在一帶一路上以奧威爾式體制統治世界。我們在2019年10月23日發布了我們的調研成果。…
REAL Danger of China CCP Huawei BRI #5G #AI Global Grid Agenda 中共華為5G AI「一帶一路」網絡系統的真正威脅 — 塞瑞斯·A.帕薩 請轉推 RETWEET-Share Everywhere 👇…
9 Reasons China CCP is an International Terrorist Organization 1. Nuclear Weapons Smuggler 2. Unsafe 5G Developer 3. Prostitution-Human Trafficking 4. IP Theft 5. Plagarizing thieves 6. Professional Liars 7. Drug Traffickers 8. Murderers Rapists 9. Created CCP Virus
29 Billion? Seize TIK TOK at No Cost for Espionage, Taping of World People's Intimate Data! Pay Reparations to Families! $ to Twitter or alike to Manage. 290億美元?就憑其間諜行徑和偷錄用戶私密的劣跡抖音應該被充公! 凍結其資產來賠償受害家庭,餘下交給託管的法人代表,如推特.
.@realDonaldTrump People Programmed to attack Trump with #AI Smartphones, Media, Google Discovery Published Feb 2020 from Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity! 人們被AI、智能手機、媒體和谷歌編程去攻擊川普,2020年2月發文,提煉自《人工智能-人類危局…
國共合作小貼士:中共竊國十大元帥之一的軍隊元老,外孫女嫁給了國民黨將軍前國防部長的公子。兩黨高層都對這樁聯姻點了頭。在此負責任的聲明,國共兩黨絕對沒有暗通款曲,陳倉是敲鑼打鼓光明正大拿下來的。 @iingwen @ChingteLai @CIA @ltntw @MOFA_Taiwan @SecPompeo @appledaily_hk @TW_nextmedia
U.S Begins to Expell #HUAWEI #5G as "National Security Threat and Arm of CCP!" 美國開始驅逐華為,視之為「國家安全威脅和中共的武器!」…
CHINA CCP: We Know What You Did Last Summer! 中共,我們知道你去年夏天干了什么!
"Why Are They Really Locking Everything Down"? Dropping Bombs (Ep 289) via @YouTube @CyrusAParsa1 TY @TheRealBradLea 4 critical REDPILL RT MAKE VIRAL! Lawsuit against CCP Google Gates Obama/ Organ Harvesting 疫情中我們為何被封鎖」專輯,請選擇中文字幕
If You Want to Extinct The Human Race, Death by China CCP, Vote for @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris 如果你想要人類滅絕、死於中共,投票拜登和賀錦麗
How much damage to world due to cover-up of book published exactly 1 year ago today? 壓制一年前今天出版的此書給世界造成了何等傷害? @POTUS @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @VP @CIA @SecretService @CG_CyberForge @Cabinet @peternavarro45 @GOP @TheDemocrats…
China CCP hunt people using DJI drones to amass concentration camps. They steal and track your private data. BAN DJI! 中共用大疆無人機抓人送集中營。它們窺視監控你的個人隱私。封殺大疆!…
MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN! Eliminate the CCP! 讓中國再次偉大! 消滅中共!
MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN! Eliminate Communism! 讓世界再次偉大! 消滅共產主義!