Thank You Sean at @SGTreport I recommend all Worlds Citizens to Watch this. 👇 CHINA MARXIST AI…
WHO, U.N, WTO China Sex Tapes RETWEET Make Viral- Many Islands, not just Epstein. 👇…
China CCP A.I. Marxist Global 5G Agenda- They want to Enslave the World on BRI with Robots, Drones, Powered by a Quantum Digital Brain
是我们曝光了中共用AI猎捕香港年轻人,强奸他们、被自杀。中共非常邪恶。#HongKong For the Chinese. It was us that exposed Hong Kong CCP Fake Suicide Rapes, Oct 2019- Look 6:30 Seconds.
CCP planned assassination of Trump, Congress using poison (virus), unleashed to world. How did I know and publish it one year ahead of time?? 中共策劃用毒藥(病毒)暗杀特朗普(川普)和国會議员,散佈了全世界。我是如何提前一年掌握情報並公諸於世的???!!!…
Thank you those who supported 🙏 The ones who Sabatoged, stabbed my back preventing people from getting Truth-Retweeting-Following We could have prevented this virus outbreak. Ask you seek Redemption because what U did was evil, against humanity, The Great Effort of Saving Lives
由衷感謝所有支持我們的人士🙏 至於那些在背後捅刀子造謠誹謗破壞的,阻擋轉推跟隨,不讓人們了解真相 - 本來我們是可以防止病毒擴散的 - 你們必須贖罪,因為你們的行為等同邪惡,是反人類,抵銷著救人的巨大努力。
Every Human Being is Special! 每一個人都不一般!…
Houston, we have a sex tape problem. So do SF, LA, NY, Chicago and many more... 休士頓,我們有個色情視頻的麻煩。舊金山,洛杉磯,紐約,芝加哥也有,還有更多。。。
Exterminate The Chinese Communist Party for their IP Theft, Sex Tapes, Death Camps, Bio-Weapons, Organ Harvesting, and Crimes Against Humanity. CCP is the Plague! 终结中共, 它盗窃知识产权、拍摄性录像带、建死亡集中营、释放生物武器、活摘人体器官,犯下反人类罪。 中共是瘟疫!
Do Not Fear The Chinese Communist Party, Make It Fear You. 別怕中共。让它怕你。 Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization. 塞瑞斯, AI组织
Biden Got $1.5 Billion with Obama as CCP Ran death camps Organ Harvesting Falun Dafa, Christian, Tibetan, Ughur, Common Citizens Both Apologize to World! 拜登在奧巴馬眼皮底下收了中共15億美元,中共設立死亡營,活摘法輪大法學員、基督徒、藏人、維族人和老百姓的器官 兩人必須道歉!
Google Trained China CCP Surveillance system to track Hunt Quarantine, Kill Chinese Citizens in Slave Camps with A.I. Google Must Pay, Repent, Expose CCP! 谷歌多年來培訓中共用AI技術打造監控系統,以追踪、獵捕、拘禁和殺害中國人 谷歌必須悔罪並曝光中共!…
"China CCP Planned Poison Trump Cabinet Advisor-Congress-World" Trump Advisor got CCP Virus. I Reported Secret Service Spring 2019. Part in my book CCP Stopped Media Interview me 中共策劃投毒川普、內閣、國會和世界.川普顧問染疫.去年春我報告特勤局,後寫入書中 中共阻止媒體採訪
中共計劃向全世界釋放病毒來暗殺特朗普、其內閣成員和國會議員, 我是如何提前掌握、示警特勤局並在去年10月20日出版的人工智能:人類危局一書中公告天下的?哪些中西媒體的老闆和編輯被中共掌握了性錄像帶而根本不報導?我又是如何在2019年初春向特勤局示警的?書中有鐵證:…
People Were Originally Designed to be Good, Noble and Pure. Communism Strips Humans of Faith, Filling Fear in its Mind, Anger in its Heart, Blocking Its Eye to the Wisdom All Around, Weakening Its Spirit to its Demise For Civilization to Survive, Return to Goodness. Cyrus
人的生命的原初設計是道德、高貴和純潔的。 共產主義剝奪人們的信仰,在頭腦中注入恐懼, 心中注入憤怒,遮住他們的慧眼, 弱化、進而消滅他們的精神。 文明要延續,回歸道德! 塞瑞斯.
Deep Inside Every Person is a fire so strong, it can illuminate the Sky. Thus, Every Human Being is Special! We must Ignite this light, the World's Safety depends on it. 每個人生命深處都有一團烈焰,可以照亮天空。 由此,每個人都很特別。 點亮火光,天下太平。
Hong Kong we are with you. The days of the CCP are numbered. The lives perished will not be forgotten, and the bad deed will not go unpunished. 香港,我們與你們同在。中共的日子不多了。犧牲者不會被遺忘,暴政也難逃天譴。
China CCP Dividing U.S with A.I. and attacking American President with influence of 1,000 corporate tech Entities Published 11-12-2019 轉:中共全球佈局上千科技公司實體來分裂美國並攻擊特朗普總統 - 去年11月12號發表的報告(原文有中文鏈接)…
RT. Hong Kong Students Hunted by CCP with AI based Human Detection Capabilities, Published Oct, 12, 2019, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization 中共利用人工智能人體(臉)偵測技術跟踪抓捕香港反送中學生,AI組織於2019年10月12號發表此報告…
CCP NUKE THIS! Through just one proxy agent CCP purchased over 20 million acres of land in North America. We shared this intel with FBI three years ago. @realDonaldTrump @FBIWFO @AP @GOP 中共僅通過一處代理人就在北美購買了兩千多萬英畝土地。三年前我們與聯邦調查局分享了該情報。