#splatoon3 #shiver #frye #bigman #deepcut splatfest image/idea taken from tumblr (post below⬇️) i have never taken any sort of philosophy class in my life ever so
#Huevember2022 #IdentityV some mike morton for huevember :)
[COOLDOWN SKETCH] #splatoon3 #neoagent3 i will work tirelessly to spread my feral neo agenda
#splatoon #splatoon3 #agent38 dumb sketch comic of 38 that took FOREVER… idea from @M1nty_M0nty
[WARMUP - RENDER BY @/TeamMarie1] #splatoon3 #shiver man. art is hard
[COOLDOWN] #shiver #splatoon3 quick cooldown of shiver and serperior… grassy elegance (no meowscarade for now)
#splatoon3 #shiver i had the honor of coloring @Lee_onlyGL ‘s adorable lineart in aggie 💪 님들 부럽죠 후후…
#splatoon3 #utsufuu #shiver #frye aggie collaboration with @/Lee_onlyGL who ate me up LMAO
#splatoon3 #frye #teamfire thought frye having a shiny emboar dance partner a la tierno would be cute
#splatoon3 #shiver #pokemon shiver and garchomo master mega rkgk 🦈🦈🦈
#pearlina #splatoon2 congratulations to pearlina for winning my poll!
#splatoon3 #shiver #frye “What’s THIS creep doing in the Splatlands?” “Beats me— but if it’s our treasure they’re after, they gotta get through US first!”
#agent3 #agent8 #agent24 [COOLDOWN] request! messy bc im sleepy so i might delete later
#splatoon3 #salmonrun splat diaries… my eggsecutive vp friend carried me
#splatoon3 #splatoon3fanart agent neo 3 but raised by salmonid 👍 doodled because i woke up n couldnt fall back asleep
#splatoon3 #スプラトゥーン3 Cold Season….めちゃたのしみ🥹🙏🙏
#splatoon2 #agent4 agent 4 snatched the lead in my poll, so here she is! happy 5 am OTL
#agent3 #agent8 #agent24 🐙: Gahh she’s so cool…!!! Is it really okay to be holding her hand like this…?! 🦑: …Her hand’s cold.
#identityv #COAVI #mellyplinius woman on the moon!!! 1 hour paint
#djoctavio #captaincuttlefish #cuttletavio #splatoon if i fail my final exams this week i blame it all on this post
#identityv  #evilreptilian im not gonna play the christmas event but id wager itll go something like this
#splatoon #djoctavio #calliesplatoon a quick thing i doodled for tumblr
#identityv #第五人格 #mellyplinius i sat down to draw at the computer for the first time in FOUR YEARS for you my wife happy birthday