Ikumi Nakamura 🪐@unseentokyo(@nakamura193)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Oshare! I wanted a simple square three-dimensional iron frame, and my friend made thsose for me ☺️ 🙏☺️Azamasu! I’m not in communication with the universe 🖖
Mom “Who is he? What are you ask him?” 193”Oh...Mom, He is Keanu Reeves-san. lol” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He hasn’t changed a bit. He’s like my big brother, close neighbor, always watching out for me. 😊He’s been my inspiration and he’ll continue to be one. His creativity will forever live. Let’s protec Kamiya-san! 神谷さんを守ろう!😁 @PG_kamiya @platinumgames_j
#GhostWireTokyo @playGhostwire Raptured Apocalypse + Near Future Tokyo + Supernatural Official E3 Teaser Trailer youtu.be/CF_xmIGlVZY Is this? “Normal” or “Paranormal?”
It’s Sony... Oops, It’s Spooky! @SonyJapanStudio
Full power!!! ライフは0になりました #E3
Thank so much @SonySantaMonica gave me a creative adrenaline rush. 🧠 I learned that it is the people there that make the studio amazing. Live long and prosper. The work environment was so wonderful I almost lost control of my bladder. 😜 Corytos and Ikureus #GodofWar
The trophy for @thegameawards was actually very heavy. When it was handed to me during rehearsal it felt like I was handed a blunt weapon. I dream of finishing that project and receiving an award but I was happy to just hold one for a brief moment. It was an honor to present! 😊
Happy to announce my game studio: UNSEEN @unseentokyo ゲームスタジオはじめました ▧
Portal ✖️ Bayonetta 謎マークを発掘。Why did I make this?🧐
Recently, I'm playing at the edge of a Urban at midnight. Thinking time...🤔
I want to see simply great games and games that gamers want to play be developed. I don’t understand budgets and politics. 🤔 I just want to continue to be a creator that can say that great things are great. #Okami is one of those that have the power to overcome all of that.☺️
Why did I write this sketch?🤣
Hello, @DIESEL -san. I wore your satin mix bomber jacket at the E3 game show this past June. This jacket was like an armour to me; it protected me from getting too nervous and gave me courage to speak in front of thousands of people. Thank you very much. google.co.jp/amp/s/www.poly…
One lady came up to me in LA and said "Every time you appear on stage and media, I can feel the hardships you've gone through hiding behind your smile. That is the biggest point I love about you." I was so flattered! 😭🥰🥺
I visited only the entrance at @MarvelStudios 😃 I’d like to be a Deadpool -san of game industry. or want to be Thanos-sama !
I rarely get jealous, but today I was really jealous of his ability to think and do things. This world is full of geniuses.#lowcostcosplay facebook.com/Lowcostcosplay
When will her actual scale figure be released? I'm saving up and waiting for it.💰🪙🤑 twitter.com/IGN/status/139…
Hey, just so you know. I'm always watching... 👁
Mrs.Dimitrescu - sama... 🙏🏼When I see a plus-size woman like you, I want to throw myself on the floor and be trampled by you. You all agree with me, don't you? #ResidentEvilVillage #バイオヴィレッジ  gfycat.com/blindperiodich…
Behind you... Spooky... twitter.com/dirtychocobo/s…
Here, Golden Nakamuy. 🤟🏼 twitter.com/Sir5000/status…