Ikumi Nakamura 🪐@unseentokyo(@nakamura193)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I'm a huge fan of BLAME! but I didn't know I was involved with the Netflix original film. I'm honored, but I feel like as if I've never worked on it...And the photo's from the time when I was exhausted. Is there any better photo of me out there?🤔 theevilwithin.fandom.com/wiki/Ikumi_Nak…
I DO NOT want to forget appreciation and respect to everything.🙏 I've also decided to proceed to the new world I can keep myself happy and somebody require me. Now the huge world is showing me infinite possibilities, like an open world video game. Life in NOT linear.😆
Ikumi Nakamura expanded smelting skills to include educational toys from junk materials. #TheVeryHungryCaterpillar 廃棄物から知育玩具を錬成するスキルを広げた。#はらぺこあおむし
Я слышал о большом пожаре, ты и твоя семья в безопасности? Я надеюсь, что дожди. Я надеюсь, что все получается хорошо. I heard about the big wildfire, are you and your family safe? 早く雨が降りますように。gordonua.com/news/worldnews…
Today, Megane-chan sketch day👓
I was a Junior Environmental Artist at Okami. I was a very poor developer, and I had a lot of trouble with a lot of seniors. I was also involved in the animation for this project. It was a project that taught me a lot. #okami twitter.com/Benoit_Barny/s…
@IGN IGN-san Arigatogozaimasu 🥲🙏🏼 Ugh. Everyone's support is warm. I'll do my best. みんなの応援が温かい。がんばります。
Construction has begun on the UNSEEN studio. It is exciting to think that this is where we will start. We are looking forward to its completion. 😌
What urban legends are of interest to you guys? Paranormal activity and conspiracies have always piqued our curiosity. This is one of my field of expertise. - MK Ultra, Agenda 21, and Georgia GuideStone. In a new world like this, I want to enjoy "WHY" I do it. 😊🤔
UNSEEN Announcement Trailer エモいアナウンストレーラーも作りました▧ MITENE! youtube.com/watch?v=wQm-uI…
Our in-house company guide is SAIKOU! 就業規則がすごく面白い。
I should spoil myself! My recent daily routine is to eat “Gari Gari kun Soda” while taking a bath. 😋 Doesn't it look very luxurious? 😌 #ガリガリ君
Do you know Forty-seven rōnin ? At the beginning of the new year's midnight, Here is the tomb of 47 Ronin temple. 2020年 I’m benefit from the ronin power of AKO47. The Shinsengumi related to my roots (ancestors) respected 47 ronin.🧐
Look closely at the game environments! I love the prep work of the environment Shokunin - san. Discover their ‘gifts’ is a fun experience. Gifts 🎁 is an important role in deepening the world settings in game. twitter.com/the1Oddity/sta…
@Neil_Druckmann Super Kawaii Dance 😃It's Halloween, I'd like to see Joel's freestyle after he was beaten to death. 🎃
If you want to make your wish come true, I recommend that you defeat Ikumi Nakamura, She is, as you know, a concept artist and art director. Here's a secret. Her weak spot is the back of her neck. That's where her main body is hidden.🧐 twitter.com/Kukiolworks/st…
Best of E3 2019 – Day One: Trailer, Surprise, New IP, Graphics shar.es/a0xBGQ @HardcoreGamerより #GhostwireTokyo
Meet with @liamwong リアムさんと夜散歩 instagram.com/stories/liamwo…
I have a very disgusted look on my face.🤣🤣 不機嫌すぎる。
A gift from the kind staff of ZOS. Even after I left the studios, there is a some staff member who gives me wonderful gifts. Really healthy. Jorge -san Arigato 🙏😊
@Onikoroshi18 I’m Haku! Gamelovers are Chihiro!