I think these “spirits” are like tachyon particles. We can’t see it but they’re always around us. If our current world and the “next world” exists in the same dimension, then passing away is simply like a relocation. 「魂のお引越し」。
Imagine if we could talk to them. The dead. Wouldn't that be incredible? Like talking to your next-door neighbor. They might seem to be somewhere physically far away, but it may not be as far as you think. They might be watching over us....👁
May the force be with your jacket 😊🙏 193フォースが共にあらんことを。 twitter.com/shangrilana_/s…
I wonder if I switched from the safe box to the TV!? New urban legend.... It’s spooky. twitter.com/abcWNN/status/…
"Disheveled horror gremlin" mmm, That's rude! I'm still gremlin. imgur.com/r/twobestfrien…
تشرفت بمقابلتك. احسن من يشكر ويتابعنا. انا سعيد مقال عربي! انا سعيد مقال عربي😊🙏 I'm happy Arabic article! アラビア語の記事嬉しい! @Gameszm twitter.com/Gameszm/status…
The best tweet conversation of the week. 🎊Live Long And Prosper 🖖 The conversation with you gave me a small but sweet break. @tapuukoko twitter.com/tapuukoko/stat…
A message from my mom who has seen the E3 "I was surprised you behaved as you were. When I showed this video to my friend who was fluent English speaker,  she said you did a great job. I'm proud of you. Thank you for coming into our lives. But I don't like horror games" 😭🙏
Mom “Who is he? What are you ask him?” 193”Oh...Mom, He is Keanu Reeves-san. lol” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ThatsBrad_TV @DanyPollitax11 Yeah that’s right.
K.I.P Kintsugi in progress
@rinkosquares I’ve been feeling really depressed this week. But look at this. I might flying out into the sky...It’s spooky. Positive spiral!🤣
I'm a huge fan of BLAME! but I didn't know I was involved with the Netflix original film. I'm honored, but I feel like as if I've never worked on it...And the photo's from the time when I was exhausted. Is there any better photo of me out there?🤔 theevilwithin.fandom.com/wiki/Ikumi_Nak…
Tears of joy...Thank you @Corroder666 😭🙏 twitter.com/Bethesda_UK/st…
Meet with @liamwong リアムさんと夜散歩 instagram.com/stories/liamwo…
ウォッチドックス:トーキョー リアム・ウォン × イクミ・ナカムラ @liamwong × @nakamura193 @watchdogsgame @ranran73 @Ubisoft 日本を取り戻せ
The best tweet conversation of the week. 🎊 Quick response, good quality, I was very impressed with your Co-op play. The conversation with you gave me a small but sweet break. @Danypollitax11 @ThatsBrad_TV twitter.com/danypollitax11…
Year of Doom? Year? No it's EVERY DAY of my life! Just kidding! みなさん良い終末を〜 😊🙏
Be a happy and smiley person for her! Look at me still alive. For the people who are still positive 🙏😊 Arigato for your heartwarming pic. 胸熱 twitter.com/rinkotamako/st…
Recently, I'm playing at the edge of a Urban at midnight. Thinking time...🤔
@bethesda_de Geweldig!Prima! やったー!@Ubisoft @bethesda_de
QA のカーリーさんをO•MO•TE•NA•SI! QA teams are the ones protecting the quality of the game! QAさんいつもありがとう😊
You'd never run away from me, coz I will take over your dream...This Women!#thisman
Many presents have arrived from around the world to Nakamura at Tango Game Works. Thank you so much! ARIGATO! However, many of them have been stopped at customs because product names are not clear.... Please write the product name properly! 😞🙏
After 9 years as Creative director & Art Director at Tango and Zenimax - I felt here is one of ends of the journeys . I learned from the talented people I've worked with and I respect. 🙏😊 Contact me if anyone wants to work with me! → linkedin.com/in/193nakamura/