Ikumi Nakamura 🪐@unseentokyo(@nakamura193)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

“Are you alive?” Yes, I am! I released my new project which went live on June 1st. This will be the longest ongoing project I’ve ever taken on and I know it will bring the deepest joy and happiness to the world. I’m grateful to be able to help humanity live long and prosper.🖖☺️
In your long life you will have experienced this. I have a rare tendency to drool when I focus on things. Today, My friend gave me #popteamepic bib as a gift. ☺️🤘
So I know the rest of the story and I just want to make it happen.Can a developer like me, who doesn't have triple-A Project, make that happen? No one knows that until you try it. It's important to put it on the table first.
I'd like to see the director Hideki Kamiya -san's Okami. I involved with Okami, when I was a rookie. The story that Kamiya-san was writing was a feature-length film, and due to scheduling conflicts, I was only able to express only describe it half the time.
Looks like the Assassin’s Creed in TOKYO 😲😍 twitter.com/yokoichi777/st…
In Japan, self-restraint began to ease. I just need a little more time to adjust to our new life. I've had a lot to learn in the past few months. I did sketch 4 years ago. Is this normal or paranormal ? I wasn't sure if I should bring up this. I think this is a time to do it. 🧐
!!!!!!!!! 😳😳😳
“Please T-pose” “Action!!” Love this art 😆 Arigato twitter.com/thetimbrown/st…
I stayed up all night over the weekend watching and learning about Kimetsu no yaiba and Kakegrui. Shinobu Kocho is a good role model for me. 🧐🥰🥱
I was happy to be able to answer about remotework interview in my own voice, and I would like to thank you everyone at @IGNJapan. 🙏 After gaining this experience, I'm very interested in youtube right now.🧐 twitter.com/IGNJapan/statu…
E3 2019で世界的人気者になった中村育美は実は"切れ痔"だった? Seriously? the world's popular game developer Ikumi Nakamura at E3 2019, actually has bleeding hemorrhoids? 🤣🤟 youtube.com/watch?v=TH0NtN… twitter.com/IGNJapan/statu…
Today, My conference from my panic room.🤫🤫
Viewers are looking for the real telework life. This is my ground reality. Comming Soon 🤪 @IGNJapan #てれトーク
Thank you to all the medical professionals 👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ 🧑🏽‍⚕️👩🏾‍⚕️🧑🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️ in the world. Arigato 🙏😌
Here, Triple emotional moments 😭 New campion, new mother and new baby 👶 All are warriors✊㊗️ @WWEAsuka @BeckyLynchWWE #WomensChampion #WWERAW twitter.com/WWE/status/125…
@McleanJabril @Valdemarhd1 @TheManofSalt What's up?😴 What is your emergency? 🥱
@Valdemarhd1 @TheManofSalt 😳😳😳
@DarkTrophies @izzatanver @TheManofSalt Everyone, Thanks for your concern. 🙏😊 I can now understand. So, I murmur this ↓↓
@AoiDanny @TheManofSalt Aerith is my waifu🥰
@TheManofSalt Sensei 🙋‍♀️ I have question for you. What is “only fans account??” .
@TheManofSalt 😲🤔
A chance to have your Q answered by 193 Nakamura 🤘🤘@IGN @IGNJapan twitter.com/IGNJapan/statu…
Thank you for caring about me., I'm still alive. GENKI ! 👍 It's a "social distancing" period, so I stayed away from social networks. 🤟 twitter.com/90Shannan/stat…
Somewhere on Earth, Grasshoppers are growing in large numbers. There has been a huge outbreak of blue butterflies in my room. 🦋🦋 Is this normal, or paranormal?