My favorite scene from the Shin Evangelion trailer. I love wires, traffic lights, and signs. You guys like it, don't you?…
Our in-house company guide is SAIKOU! 就業規則がすごく面白い。
Like this mod, I wanted to be strong enough to take an arrow and not lose it, too. In fact, I think that eliminating "collision" would make people stronger. この中村は強い。…
Happy Kali! 🥳 The goddess who emerged from the Gulal Holi Powder. When I started designing Kali's costume on March 19, her hometown was celebrating Spring Holi Festival. I felt that this was fate. 💜…
あけましておめでとう⛩🌅 A Happy new year 2022! This year, I will aim like a tiger and live with a vigor! 虎視眈々🐯
I collaborated some art design works with GANGRAVE G.O.R.E. It was a great honor to work indirectly with Naito-sensei @nightow!😚 光栄の極み And working with an up-and-coming, wonderfully passionate team has inspired me a lot.😊…
We’re in the Obon (お盆) week in Japan. This is the time of year where spirits come back to visit their families and friends.
I think these “spirits” are like tachyon particles. We can’t see it but they’re always around us. If our current world and the “next world” exists in the same dimension, then passing away is simply like a relocation. 「魂のお引越し」。
@Neil_Druckmann Super Kawaii Dance 😃It's Halloween, I'd like to see Joel's freestyle after he was beaten to death. 🎃
Please be careful There is a typhoon warning in JPN. 台風にお気をつけて下さい。 Learn from, レインボーシックス:シージ “Armor Panel” . How to protect yourself from typhoons. @Rainbow6Game @Rainbow6JP
I respect my ancestor words. “I ’d rather protect a living, breathing person I can touch than some shogun above the clouds I ’ll never see.”
Has anyone tried this? For me, this movie was great. 洗剤のCMとコラボした方が良いと思うくらい美しい恋愛映画ですよね。#midsommar
ここは一つ みんなで 力を合わせて 大神サマの ご機嫌取りと 行かねェか? なァにチョイと 天に向かって 手を合わせ 心の中で 感謝の気持ちを捧げるだけだィ 🙏 #okami…
@sailorscoutlana Tada! My gift to you. What were you expecting, magic? I believe in ghosts, not wizards. I'm always serious. Suddenly today, This clothes spoke for me "Someone who wants me". It's spooky...just kidding! I will send it to you. Please take care of my legendary clothes.
We tried to recreate it, but I couldn't.…
I designed the new character DR. HOLMES for Boyfriend Dungeon. This job was a new one for me. Thank you very much! Please play the Free DLC Update! @KitfoxGames…
Japan drawn with an open minded eye. ”Understand your country with a third person view. Rediscover the beauty/cool of your country.” I felt like that's what was being said from my ghost.😌 #GhostofTsusima @SuckerPunchProd
Thank you for giving me the chance to collaborate with you. 🤜🏼🤣🤛🏼@fromL -san!!!
Я слышал о большом пожаре, ты и твоя семья в безопасности? Я надеюсь, что дожди. Я надеюсь, что все получается хорошо. I heard about the big wildfire, are you and your family safe? 早く雨が降りますように。…
In 2019, I was honored to be a presenter for the TGA #thegameawards ; in 2020, I will be a judge for Toilet of the Year. I'm honored. This award is for the most amazing toilet in a game released this year. #トイレオブザイヤー…
The strongest non-development formation.🤔 私が考える最強の非開発メンツ
Thank you to all the medical professionals 👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ 🧑🏽‍⚕️👩🏾‍⚕️🧑🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️ in the world. Arigato 🙏😌
The entire world is kind of a very balanced puzzle. Don't miss even a small piece, I believe. Things are multifaceted. You might not believe something I believe. The reverse is also true. To somebody everything that’s happening in the world appears phony. 🧐
前回に引き続きR6Sのバンドルデザインをさせて頂いております。ありがたいことです🙇‍♀️ ブロッケン山の"虹"とレインボーシックスの"虹"から着想を得て、人気のオペレーターにシャーマニズムやワイルドパガンをイメージした魔女スキンを装わせてみました。 #RainbowSixSiege #レインボーシックスシージ