Hex-A-Gone Trials is back! 👁️👄👁️
Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. twitter.com/jacksayspurple…
⏰ NEW EVENT : TIME IS KUDOS 🟣 Play 5 new shows across 10 days - each with their own challenges! Jump in every day and complete them all to stumble away with a hefty stack of Kudos 💰 Starting 7th October!
when you're spectating someone and they get eliminated
when someone pushes you in the slime
how is it only tuesday lol
Ana Spelunky, daughter of Guy Spelunky, from the game @spelunkyworld is coming to Fall Guys October 9th!
it is wednesday, my beans
Here's what Fall Guys costume you are - based on your birthday month! Which are you?
🟣 Do you know what time it is? 🟣 🟣 It's KUDOS TIME 🟣 🟣 Kudos Is Time 🟣 🟣 10 days of kudos 🟣 🟣 Starts tomorrow! 🟣 🟣 Complete challenges in each of the 5 shows to unlock stacks of kudos! 🟣 🟣 It's like 5 events in one, back-to-back! 🟣 🟣 Pineapple pizza is great 🟣
when you notice a golden knight on the starting line with you
Alright, own up, which one of you made this kid cry?
it is wednesday, my beans
not really sure why i am here i got yeeted into the slime and then just never respawned i guess i'll run the account for a bit, since there's no body around ~ fallen guy 💀
scariest thing you'll see this halloween ~ fallen guy 💀
it's almost... FALL-O-WEEN! i can feel it in my bones 🦴 trick show 🦴 treat show 🦴 rewards and challenges 🦴 spooky event ~ fallen guy 💀
it is wednesday, my beans
just one day til things get 🎃spoopy🎃 if you thought we'd have no fall-o-ween content, you were dead wrong did you like my joke very humerus ~ fallen guy 💀
so here it is, merry fall-o-ween everybody's having fun hop on into fall guys now the event has just begun ~ fallen guy 💀
trick or treat! we've added two new spooky shows! ~ fallen guy 💀
"Come play trios with us. 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏼" Our community artist is reimagining spooky scenes, any others you'd wanna see? ~ fallen guy
I can be your or yuor devil angle
the prisoner is coming to fall guys! 29th october i personally find it very relatable what do you think @motiontwin do you like it ~ fallen guy 💀