Fall Guys - Sunken Secrets 🥔(@FallGuysGame)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

✨ there's a BIG surprise in your inventory ✨
help me i am trapped
“Is this a Fall Guy?” No, this is Patrick!!
30 tickets to the movie please
Everyone waiting for me to tweet Soy Tetoner right now #TeamTetoner
ahhhh it's happening! we're so excited to be collaborating with Pusheen, to bring Pusheen and Super Pusheenicorn to Fall Guys! they'll be in store in just 2 days 🦄
yeah, i play fall guys
for every 250 likes we’ll make long guy longer
sonic?!? knuckles?!??!? TAILS?!? EGGMAN??!?!?!!?! SUPER SONIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i can't believe this is happening, sonic and knuckles are coming back and this time they're bringing BUDDIES (kinda)
it's our anniversary, so i thought i'd do something nice for you... retweet this tweet with #FallGuysAnniversaryCustomXboxGiveaway for a chance to win this SUPER AWESOME CUSTOM FALL GUYS XBOX SERIES S!!! must be following, you have until 8th!! 📚 fallguys.com/legal/fall-guy…
3 days.
IT'S HAPPENING! Soon you'll be able to play Fall Guys for free on ALL PLATFORMS! See you on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and EGS on June 21!!!!
Well, I can't unsee this, so I'm cursing the rest of you
Axolotl is in the store and it's very polite
We're in absolute disbelief... 50 million players in 2 weeks!!! U N B E L I E V A B L E THANKS EVERYONE! 🌍️
Fall Guys lay eggs fyi
1 like = 1 kick of the server lets see how many kicks we can do
whatever you do, please don't right click this, "save-as", and set it as your pfp, don't, i own this i spent our entire marketing budget on it and i don't want to lose my job
fall guys among us 🤝 beans together strong
guess who's back back again sonics back with his friends
Ayyy we number 1 Lol
Will you be attending the forbidden bean meetup? ☐ Yes - Retweet ☐ No - Ignore
2b or not 2b, that is the collab 🤔 🙌 June 18th 🙌