Wong Ji Yuet 黃子悅(@wongjiyuet)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[2020.8.31, Mong Kok] A pregnant woman was grabbed and pushed down by the #HKPolice. After that, they pepper sprayed her husband and others people surround them. Source : 拾玖新聞
Hong Kong Police sexual harassed me during stop and search , said ‘ Her boobs were much bigger on her Instagram photos’ .
A reporter in Wan Chai was shooted by a water cannon truck to few meters away. #AntiNationalSecurityLaw #freehongkong
上星期她上法庭後,晚上吃飯時談到之後一起拍短片,剛剛還約好了下星期一起拍照,然後她就突然被「煽惑分裂」。 今天另一位學民思潮時期的戰友同樣被以国安法拘捕。 他們只是普通的年輕人。 本來獨裁暴政就毫無道理可言,只想清算逼迫所有愛香港的人、抹殺所有年青人的未來。 活著就是罪名。
周庭氏を逮捕 民主活動家、国安法違反容疑で香港警察 #周庭 #香港国家安全維持法 #国安法 mainichi.jp/articles/20200…
[ So, it begins ] 學生動源前成員鍾翰林被自稱國安人員上門拘捕,據悉被控煽動他人分裂国家,未知會被送往何處。 Tony Chung, ex-chairman of Studentlocalism, has been arrested by national security officers. He was suspected to violate the nefarious “national security law”.
Those arrested studentlocalism members under national security law tonight, are all under 20 yrs old. How these young people becoming a threat and being charge in secession under the national security law? Or I would say which kind of country would be seceded by few students?
[2020.7.21] Riot Police shooted pepper balls to a middle aged man's head at point-blank range merely because he was yelling "black cop" in the park. We finally found one video.🙇🏻‍♀️ Original : 00:00-00:39 Slow motion: 00:40-01:34 #721事件一週年 #721YeungLongTerroristAttack #黃子悅
Around two hundreds police officers burst into Apple Daily Building without any search warrant. 200名警員在無搜查令的情況下非法闖入壹傳媒新聞機構(私人地方),隨意翻查員工桌面私人物品。
藍絲他們在改圖上暗示我這女性示威者有如慰安婦,是為了讓示威者泄慾。藍絲將女性示威者去人化,再試圖將「性交」、「淫亂」等所謂負面標籤套在我身上。當撐政府者是如此質素,看到女生就只想到性交,更顯得「香港警察強姦謀殺」這標語的合理。 我不會因為屢次遭受藍絲的性侮辱、恐嚇和騷擾而懼怕。
Fight for freedom. Anti National Security Law. #hongkong
BREAKING: Pro-independence student group leader arrested on suspicion of 'inciting secession' under Hong Kong's security law | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP hongkongfp.com/2020/07/29/bre…
❗️❗️❗️Latest: According to local channels, three more members of Studentlocalism have been arrested, including the spokesperson, Ho Lok Hang.
Yesterday, when we were distributing leaflets of Anti-National Security Law, around 10 HKFP surrounded us and mandate all of us to provide personal information, said to ‘prevent crime.’ Which I rejected as it is nonsense. #wongjiyuet #hongkong #AntiNationalSecurityLaw
【黃子悅街站兩人遇襲】 根據事發當時的影片, 本團隊攝影師只是拍攝當時情況, 卻遭白衣人包圍,暴力推撞且反手鎖住他,如同非法禁錮 Our photographer were just taking photo recording the situation, but then surrounded by the National Security Law supporters and violently locked him.
Some Hongkong protester were being sexually abused and raped by Hongkong police. Please fight with Hongkong, sanction this inhuman dictatorship. #ProtestToo #FreeHongKong #DemocracyForHK #Chinazi #MeToo
剛才於葵芳街站嗌咪,有警察表示要求我不要講某些敏感字眼,但其後改口只要求我們將聲量較細。警察並沒有指出我說了哪些「敏感字眼」。 facebook.com/10552687767860…
首先衷心感謝大家的提名和支持。 今次是我首次感覺到自己受到他人所託、肩負重任。以往參與抗爭多年,面向的多是港共政權,所抗爭都是自願、義務的。今次是首次有求於大家,也因此更明白我自己一個的力量之渺小,必須要有各位香港人的支持和能量,才能凝聚力量走下去。 #黃子悅 #wongjiyuet
BREAKING: Lai Chee Ying, Jimmy, founder of Next Digital and popular newspaper Apple Daily, was just arrested for collusion with foreign forces under the new National Security Law. His son and other five people were just arrested. #nationalsecuritylaw #hongkong
HkPF try to shoot people who even just stay at home. Photo: campus tv #hongkong
反國安法街站 Anti National Secirity Law #AntiNationalSecurityLaw #HONGKONG #FREEHONGKONG
在中共的獨裁統治下,唯有建立本土意識,才是徹底抗爭。也唯有這樣,才能保存香民族的身分、文化、價值。 解殖就是在香港當下建立本土的方向。政治上去殖民統治、文化上抗殖民入侵、思想上抗拒被殖民的習慣。 傾城起義,絕地反擊。 #黃子悅