Wong Ji Yuet 黃子悅(@wongjiyuet)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

To show your support to HK, pls join the “Eye 4 HK Campaign”: upload a selfie to FB/ IG /Twitter/Reddit with your right eye covered. Remember to tag at 4 friends of yours, and the following: #eye4hk #eye4hkchallenge #nopolicebrutality #freefromfear #DemocracyForHK #FreeHongKong
Some Hongkong protester were being sexually abused and raped by Hongkong police. Please fight with Hongkong, sanction this inhuman dictatorship. #ProtestToo #FreeHongKong #DemocracyForHK #Chinazi #MeToo
Some Chinese keep sending me threatening msg like ‘I will rape you’/ ‘it’s my freedom to rape you’/ ‘I’ll rape your mum’ to me, while, at the same time, they say CPC or HK police will not rape or sexually abuse protesters. How ironic? 🤷🏼‍♀️ #freehongkong#democracynow#protesttoo
HKpolice attack all passengers inside the train!!!!! Fuck ! Gangster!! #chinazi #freehongkong #savehongkong #terrorist
藍絲他們在改圖上暗示我這女性示威者有如慰安婦,是為了讓示威者泄慾。藍絲將女性示威者去人化,再試圖將「性交」、「淫亂」等所謂負面標籤套在我身上。當撐政府者是如此質素,看到女生就只想到性交,更顯得「香港警察強姦謀殺」這標語的合理。 我不會因為屢次遭受藍絲的性侮辱、恐嚇和騷擾而懼怕。
They say we are ‘comfort woman’ , they say we only come out for money and sex. Because it’s all they know, they do not know that there are ppl who really love this place and sacrifice for others. Cause they don’t. #freehongkong#liberatehongkong
哭了好久,一位姨姨走來,給我一張紙巾。「你認識他們嗎?我看你很傷心。」我搖頭。「那謝謝你,即使不認識還是如此心疼他們。」 因為我什麼也做不了,除了在此陪伴他們,默默站在這裡。至少他們不會孤單。至少中秋還會有人因為他們哭,還有人在等他們回來。 #831attack #terroristattackbyhkpolice
Hong Kong police call protesters "cockroaches" — Quartz qz.com/1706106/hong-k…
非常簡單,無論一個人性格如何、待人處事如何;政見是藍或黃;性關係混亂放蕩還是處子之身;穿著性感或保守 ———— 沒有任何一個人理應該受到性暴力,沒有人理應被強暴。性暴力不能是任何工具和手段。
黃子悅 22歲 —— 「縱使可能黎明不會到來,但我們都會陪著你走。 」 Photo by @dickymanana #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #FreeHongKong
Sorry for not updating. As I was arrested last week, and charged for rioting, now bail with conditions. Fortunately I’m not seriously injured. Thanks for the concern, sorry for not able to be on the street with you guys in the future. #noriotersonlytyranny #FreeHongKong
【🤝向因限聚令被票控手足提供法律等援助】 近日被票控罰款既手足如需協助可以聯絡本專頁,我地正研究循法律等途徑提供協助,收到查詢後我地會盡快回覆。( facebook.com/wongzijyut/#黃子悅
[Hong Kong Police said ‘Her boobs were much bigger on her Instagram photos’ during stop and search on Wong Ji Yuet, former female spokesperson of Scholorism] #Feminism #sexualharassment #HKPOLICE (多謝連登手足翻譯🙏🏻)
Hong Kong Police sexual harassed me during stop and search , said ‘ Her boobs were much bigger on her Instagram photos’ .
Facebook page an still update. But my personal public ac cannot share. And now I can’t post anything with my personal ac. ________ #黃子悅 #Wongjiyuet #寧死不屈絕地反撲 #NOWorNEVER IG @wongjiyuet153 FB : facebook.com/wongjiyuet97/ TG channel @wongjiyuet97
【廿三條終極版「國安法」空降香港】 中央政府按照基本法第十八條, 把國家安全法直接安插於基本法附件三中,23條便不需經立法會審議就能在香港實施。⁣ ⁣#wongjiyuet #黃子悅
|與其放大恐懼情緒,不如想想我們還能做什麼?| 國安法,我視為中共對香港人提出「攬炒」的回應。 既然對方只是順著我們預想中的方向走,我們就更不必慌。中共已到達無所不用其極的地步,顯見已達強弩之末的情況。香港人只要真的有背水一戰、徹底反抗的決心、必能咬緊牙關殺出重圍。 #黃子悅
HkPF try to shoot people who even just stay at home. Photo: campus tv #hongkong
反國安法街站 Anti National Secirity Law #AntiNationalSecurityLaw #HONGKONG #FREEHONGKONG
Fight for freedom. Anti National Security Law. #hongkong
Yesterday, when we were distributing leaflets of Anti-National Security Law, around 10 HKFP surrounded us and mandate all of us to provide personal information, said to ‘prevent crime.’ Which I rejected as it is nonsense. #wongjiyuet #hongkong #AntiNationalSecurityLaw
📹💡【草案已通過了,此刻還能如何反抗? 】facebook.com/10552687767860… #黃子悅 #WongJiYuet #HongKong
Proestablishment #blueribbons (gov supporters)against #women Life endangerment and rape threaten consistently on me and fellow. #WongJiYuet #protesttoo #ViolenceAgainstWomen #SupportersOfOppressionAreConsistent