1. I meet cute guy
2. We talk
3. I explain to him that the flesh is weak and how I desire to modify humans into transcendent machines to better serve the dark gods
4. He leaves 😭
Character designers for games need to understand that less clothes doesn’t mean more sexy. All the sexiest characters are fully armoured and don’t even show their faces 🌚
Many people have asked why all my characters have white hair. There’s actually a special reason (1/6)
A tool I love for pose reference is @magicposerapp ! You can freely customise anatomy, lighting and props so I’ve found it to be a life saver for difficult paintings :3
I don’t get why many would design female characters in skimpy armor when clearly, full military uniforms and suits are the sexiest forms of clothing to exist
A memory and a dream
As you progress as an artist you will learn color theory, but then you go back to adding rainbows and sparkles everywhere bc that’s more fun
Hi #VisibleWomen , I’m a 21yo illustrator who loves ethereal colors~
I miss when art was about what I wanted to create, and not about being afraid of drawing something bad