Mashiho on Mcountdown 🥺 babie @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
just thinking about mashiho keeping his warm hand on hyunsuks back, even during a joke he kept stroking with his lil thumb 🥺 #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ @treasuremembers ©xxkyu00
So this is mashiho senpai 🤩 competitive athlete 😌🏀 これが学校のマシホセンパイですね かっこいい アスリート @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Mashiho introducing Beautiful japanese recording 🥰 (engsub) @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
🐹 Why are you coming..why? Nande kunno nandekuru 😆 mashiho speaking japanese to yoshi, cute jline habits @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #TREASUREMAP
Mashiho Jihoon when their eyes meet randomly 🥺💘 目が合う時の笑顔 @treasuremembers
Mashihos mom sounds so sweet, his dad wears his Treasure tshirt all the time 🥺 theyre so proud of him 😫 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #TREASUREMAP
Long or short hair? Turns out yoshi is Rapunzel fan too, hehe still feels unanswered 😆 🦙Long hair 🐹I’ve never really cared that much 🐯If it suits (but I like Rapunzel) 🤖 Rapunzel (but both?) @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー
Once again, Happy Birthday Mashiho in New York Times Sq 🗽😍 改めてニューヨークからお誕生日おめでとう〜 #永遠に輝く星マシホ #ShiningAceMASHIHOday #우리인생의봄_마시호_생일축하해 @treasuremembers
Mashiho supporting junghwanie 🐹🐮🥰 theyre so pretty ビジュアルいいね @treasuremembers
yedam being playful, mashiho says “i dont know” and organizes trays, cuties 😆💕 @treasuremembers
reminds me of last cb, yoshi mashiho spoke up to say they didnt get their ending fairy yet, mems helped them speak up altho jeongwoo didnt say anything but they all felt sad too, finally they all got them in 2020 😤 but this cb mashiho ending fairy where 🥺🙏🏼 @ygtreasuremaker
Dont grow up so fast treasure babies 🥺 成長早すぎないで @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー
If theyre this excited over a horseshoe 😂 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #TREASUREMAP
today i offer you this soothing mashiho 🥺 #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호 @treasuremembers
The way jaehyuk invited mashiho to his house, his mom cooked for him and bought him bread 🥰 Happy Yoonderful Day #Sweet21JaehyukieDay #억_재혁이_생일이다 @treasuremembers
Yoshi says this photo is from their first year of high school together, he says mashiho has always been a precious friend from way back when 😭 and called him mamo (which only his mom gets to call him) #OurCloverMASHIHOday #마시호_생일이라서_기조링 #私達のクローバーマシホ…
Japan Team ahhh cuute 🥺🥺 they sang sakuranbo song 私さくらんぼ🍒〜 可愛い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #TreasureMap
Yoshi x Mashiho 🐹🐯 aahh 🥺🥺 ヨシとマシホ珍しくて尊い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
Mashiho playing w asahi now that hes not cooking 😆 料理責任がなくて楽しそうですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho describing Beautiful 🥺 ましほのコメント〜 cr@mashidam0325 TREASURE JAPAN DEBUT DDAY #TREASURE for #StanWorld #트레저 @treasuremembers
Haruto adjusting mashiho’s back, meanwhile mashiho is asahi’s foot rest 😂 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー
Mashiho debut music stage in korea, now japan 🥰 日本ステージデビューおめでとう〜 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 20200809 20210402
🐼mashiho must be stressed 🐹this is fun 😆 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー