How dare he 😣 マシホのギャップが無理 @treasuremembers Mashiho Takata-sama
mashiho dance artistry in every second is so pretty 😭 his hands, body lines are always so mesmerizing 😫💘 #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호 @treasuremembers
Pikachu vs Mashiho 👤Please defeat Pikachu with aegyo! 🐹 😬EEEE!! 👤lololol 🐹 😂 👤Good work Mashiho! Now go back in! (to pokeball) 🐹 I dont wanna~~ (ducks) 🐹 🤣🤣 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 mashi is bratty pokemon 😂🥺…
Loving mashiho dance details as usual 😭💘 for the full clip: @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho small dance details, as usual amazed by his body lines, consistent facial expressions & technical skills 🥺💘️ マシホのダンスディテールいつものように憧れて大好きですね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
The way mashiho is hugging haruto, theyre helping asahi decide ending pose and yoshi being cute 😂 jline cuties マシホはハルトをぐっとしてアサヒとエンディングポズを相談してヨシは可愛い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
mashiho can do micheogane choreo in his sleep, he lives in each move and fully articulates everything, i love it his hands so much 😭😭 いやぁマシホのミチョガネ一ダンスレベル高すぎて手の表情がめちゃくちゃ綺麗すぎハマるー
Jeongwoo protecting mashiho from Jaehyuk 😆 マシホはジョンウの @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
Many fansigns are asking mashiho to do his catch phrase “ore to orou ya!” (“Be with me” in jpn) 😆 ヨントンで「俺とおろうや」はマシホの名言セリフになったよね @treasuremembers #mashiho #마시호 #マシホ #트레저마시호
Mashiho and Junkyu copying each other 🐹🐨💘 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
Haruto x Mashiho 🦙🐹🥺💜 haruto speaking in japanese, he always calls him mashi いつもマッシーって可愛い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
Soothing myself with mashiho vocals 😣💙 ©️kyucalyptus
(Engsub) 210114 TREASURE on Barihaya ZIP, Japanese morning news 🥰 Haruto talks about “aishitouto” @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저
Mashiho dance details ☺️ his fingers revealing how he trained in ballet + jazz & more マシホのダンスディテールいつも綺麗ですね 幼い頃からバレエとジャズと色んなダンス練習の影響かもね @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호 #ましほ増増 #마시호메이커
I thought yoshi and mashiho held hands bc of the bug but no they were already sleeping with hands held 🥺🐹🐯💗 マシホとヨシ手繋いで寝る事尊い @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー #mashiho #yoshi
Mashiho x Asahi 4D friends making Haruto laugh, sometimes I think that only they could do this 😂 マシホとアサヒだけが出来る仕草と思うかなぁ @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #トレジャー
Mashiho plays onstage and smiles with all members, no wonder they gave him happiness award 🥺💗 マシホはステージでメンバーと遊んでるのが好き、これを見て幸せ〜 @treasuremembers #mashiho #マシホ #마시호
Cutie piggyback 🥰 mashiho x junkyu 💗 TREASURE MAP TODAY #StanWorld #TREASURE #트레저 @treasuremembers
Something special abt mashiho having an ult bias since he was young, traveling to thailand, korea, going to fansigns. He sleeps w SE7EN on his pillow & so happy his idol recognizes him. His deep love for his idol means he knows what it feels like to be a fan & treat them🥺💜
What meaning does BEAUTIFUL hold? 🐹 It holds similar meaning to our group, TREASURE: In this world, everyone is a Treasure. Each person’s existence is a bright and precious gem. Its our views + Black Clover: be positive, don’t give up, chase your dreams @treasuremembers
When mashiho asahi met 🐹🤖 asahi was almost clueless til the end, the baby noises tho 😂👶🏻 @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저 #TREASUREMAP
No wonder mashiho could only respond to 3 tweets look at him type 🤣 junkyus so frustrated by them だからマシホはリップ三つしか出来ない @treasuremembers #TREASURE #트레저