‘are your legs tired because you’re running in my mind? oooooooh~😏😆’
💜(..) I decided to keep my memories with BTS in a special way, so I learned to draw, (..) I love all of you guys, stay safe and let us shine to create timeless memories together (more below!!) 🐱(you have) golden hands!! (meaning they’re very talented/good with hands)
J-HOPE🌟on weverse: 🐿Gajigaji(Ba) *a lot are confused (including me) but some ARMYs have come to the idea that he means 바가지 bagaji, meaning a bowl-shaped bucket/scooper, referring to his Bucket/Bowl Hair🥺
JIMIN🌟on weverse: 🐥I miss youu
💜Jimin oppa, what do you do when you can’t sleep? 🐥When I can’t sleep it drives me c r a z y too I close my eyes but no matter how long I wait, when sleep just doesn’t come to me, I can’t fall asleep at all
💜🐥Hyung-ah please look here just oncee 🐱*looking away* 🐹🐻both enjoying so much they could d13 🐥why can’t you look me in the eyes, suga-yah?
💜oppaㅠㅠㅠ have you been doing well these days?miss you/want to see you alwaysㅠㅠ 🐥i’m doing well, i also always miss you/want to see you i wait everyday [for us to meet]
💜getting a comment from my bias jimin is my lifelong wish.. 🐥wish achieved !
💜i wanna cry..ㅠㅠ jimin is just so perfect so (it’s hard) to draw him exactly 🐥Thank you hehe
💜You are the star that Turns the ordinary To exceptional and distinct 🐥keuu👍(this is a sound of clearing your throat(??) out of impressiveness or admiration!!)
💜why is it awkward coming here? 🐥i think it just felt that way as i wasn’t able to come as often i’ll come by more often now !😄
💜(letter attached below!!) 🐥I’m not really sure on how to respond to such a pretty post like this. you’re the ones who have given us happiness and not only have you made us joyful and allowed us to have fun, but you’ve also shown us the reason to live on.
thank you so much for always being by our side and bc we’re in a situation where we can’t meet, every day is a day where i can feel your hearts even more deeply. sincerely, really, thank you, i want to see you even a day quicker. thank you, and i love you. 💜
💜oppa i’ll be graduating tomorrow and i think it’d be reallyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ great if you could drop a comment as a graduation gift.... 🐥congratulations on graduating! hehe hwaiting from now on moving forward as well !
JIMIN🌟on weverse: 🐥i will be going to sleep now ! it was fun and i’ll come to play again thank you for the pretty words, everyone sleep well, good night !
💜oppa....commenntt on mine too say my nickname or anything else is pretty toooooo *whine* i also graduaaateeeddd plleeeease congratuulaaattteee me as i’ve graduated from middle school please comment to me too.... 🐥alrwight, otaaaaayyyyy [aegyo/cutesy] hehe please go sleep now
💜’👤Iwanttodecideonanickname’ i’m sleepy x10 i’m insanely sleepy x5 oppa did you know? at really late night when there’s about 5~6 armys left, you can even communicate on here lololol it’s fun🙃 🐥’Iwanttodecideonanickname’ ㅋㅋ your nickname is pretty though? ㅋㅋ
🐥okay, got it got it got it sleep well sleep well sleep well sleep well sleep well sleep well sleep well . lets have have have a conversation between 6 people at late night sometime
💜oppa, what do you do when everything is just so exhausting?? 🐥mm.. i think i often went by with the constant thought that whatever i’m struggling with now, i’ll be rewarded for after. but even if comforting myself like that doesn’t work, i think i used to be together with
people who’d tell me ‘i’m quite unsure, but it’s okay’. whether it’s my member or friend so, i don’t know if my words will be of comfort but it’s okay . you struggled a lot/worked hard please have trast (* he made a typo w ‘trust’) that everything will pass and you’ll be happy!
🐥agh, typo.... ughughugh ‘trast’ lololololol i’m sorry, please let it sleide (typo of ‘slide’) whilst laughing ! 🐥’Sleide’.... 🐥Sigh 🐥Sleep well..
💜(post below attached with baby pics of jungkook!!) 🐥they’re pictures of when jungkookie was a baby now, he’s so much taller than me ㅜㅜ
💜no reason, just wanna tease 🐥i, too, would go looking for, ring the bell and run away
💜hahsjshjs i’ll stay up all night from now on until dawn, i also got it, noted 🐥i didn’t say ‘today’ kekeke it’s almost time to go and sleep soon for me too
💜(describing how jimin was acting in his vlive when he had to go to the bathroom!) 🐥oop