JIN🌟on weverse: 💜(lovely letter to hobi!!) 🐹(shall we have) a drink, jwehop?
i’m so .. speechless like i’m translating his letter rn but i’m so speechless he realLy gave us such a surprise 🥺
JIMIN🌟on weverse: 🐥Happy New Year/Please receive a lot of luck in the New Year, ARMYs ! let’s be happy together this year too !!
“every night, (i) fly to you forgetting that it’s just a dream i meet you with a smile never ending forever baby” “the darkness was more comfortable to me in the shadow that’s gotten longer (eyes)”
🐥to🐯 🐥our V..95 liner! when i first saw him, i thought of him as someone unique and very playful person who wasn’t aware that he stands out, like a character straight out of a manhwa..these days, when i think of him, i think he’s the most down-to-earth person among us. twitter.com/today_video_/s…
🐹namjoon-ah, why are you holding the kn1fe like that? scary~ let me do it~! 🐨why is it scary when i do something?! 🐹 YOU’RE HOLDING THE KN1FE LIKE THIS THATS WHY!! 🐨whY? why do i scarE PEOPLE? 🐥dadada🎶~ we are~ in the middle of a live broadcast~
👦🏻Dad, people who don’t lie are cool people? Then, RM-hyung-ah doesn’t lie either? 😆🥺
JIN🌟on weverse: 💜my midterms is a disaster korean 72 science 35 history 10 math 5 english 0, it’s a disaster hahaha 🐹i wasn’t the best at studying either, but i’m currently doing/living well it’s okay!
🐱*standing next to the mcs* oh wait why am i standing here..
written on film viewer: 🐨hello. i’m BTS’ (unexpected) cutiepie Namjoonie>_<.. 🐹hello. i’m Jin, who has never felt lacking in looks ever since i was born 🐱i’m Min Suga, the Ambitious-Guy in BTS
RM🌟on weverse: 💜bts, written with the scent of spring 🐨pretty😚
🐥promise .. when i look at it now.. it’s from me to me, right? i think i was a little more immature/younger at heart then than i am now.. so i think the lyrics are so cute☺️
RM🌟on weverse: 🐨Thank you.. 💜💜
RM🌟on weverse: 💜i’m working even up until now, do you think that’s ok??ㅠㅠ 🐨sigh.. are you not taking care of WoLiBal?? (Work+Life+Balance)
🐥are you about to go exercise? 🐨i’m about to leave to go home~ 🐨EVERYONE!! BE HEALTHY!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🐥😆🤣it’s not even new year what—
🐥taehyung-ah~i’ll give you the question~between us, who’s the person you wanna go eat tteokbokki with, right now~? 🐯ah;;tteokbokki? ah;;that’s too spicy i don’t really like it *satoori* 🐹😆 🐥can you eat kimchi~?*in satoori*
RM comment: 🐨hyung so shall i also say (that i’m going to press heart) and then press?? 🐨ooh jin i’m pressing ‘heart’ twitter.com/minimoniT_T/st…
dy: was my explanation good? 🐨i think she knows more than we do.. 😆🥰
taehyung was saying how jin kept whispering butter to himself (like making an acrostic poem) and jin’s poem is: 🐹bu-hold on. tter-keep your ground and hold on in billboard!!
hobi watched them dancing and matched the time he was truly such a good dance mafia!!!!!!
💜Kim Namjoon is the maknae here 🐨I tried my best
🐥all of you.. i know ..you are fond of my crooked tooth.. ☺️😆(shy) but i went to the dentist and got a consultation 😆
🐱and really, with ARMY—it’s not just us receiving (good news/#1), but rather we’re receiving it together!
seems like Friends was filmed around this time last year too! (these iconic fits..💜💜) twitter.com/lovemusic_fuji…
i find it really upsetting that every time we call out the racism or micro-aggressions we face, people would say “it’s no big deal, don’t worry” “you’re just overthinking it” “it’s not that deep” and its rlly detrimental. hearing that ever since i was young, every time i hear