ONCE!!! We really need everyone to help out with MAMA voting! It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to vote with my 4 accounts! 2022mama.com/vote Just click on the link, login, vote for TWICE, do the CAPTCHA, watch a short clip and you’re done! #MAMAVOTE #twice
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think 3rd gen stans have grown up and probably have less time to devote to things like voting and streaming? TWICE are now in their 7th year and they are way bigger than domestic award shows. They already won those awards and accolades; the sky's the limit.
“When you meet a bad person, you just need to walk away.” - Tzuyu #MAMAVOTE #twice
If you need more follows for your Twitter account for MAMA just reply to this tweet and I’ll follow you with this account and also my 2 other private accounts :)
Does MAMA know I’m a Jihyo stan cos all I’m getting for the CAPTCHA are 🌵 (in a pot or in the sand) #MAMAVOTE #twice
I'm voting for TWICE (@JYPETWICE) for Favorite K-pop Artist at the #AMAs    #MAMAVOTE #twice
Whether it's one vote or 100, every vote matters :) Consistency is key. Just do what you can each day. I'm gonna vote now since there're no patients hehe. #MAMAVOTE #twice
Disappointed but not surprised that people are using bots to cheat the system. If MAMA doesn’t investigate this and punish those involved, then its legitimacy as an awards show will come into question. Meanwhile ONCE will continue to vote the right way. #MAMAVOTE #twice
Glad that TWICE decided to hold a concert in Guam rather than attend the MMAs in 2018 #MAMAVOTE #twice
I'm voting for TWICE (@JYPETWICE) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
Rest of the members on Bubble: I missed you ONCE, it’s ok don’t be sad, we’ll meet again soon! Mina: I’m going to eat a sandwich Tzuyu: error not found
There’s only one fandom capable of making an issue out of an idol skipping a YT ad on her live, harassing a translator account after he was hacked and hospitalised and now, playing the victim after he shares his psychiatric diagnosis. Truly vile and disgusting.
Hopefully LARGE-SCALE World Tour includes Southeast Asia 🙏🙏🙏
3 reasons why TWICE renewed their contract: 1) They love their craft, are always seeking improvement and welcome new challenges. 2) They love and care for one another deeply. 3) They love ONCE. With love as the overarching reason, success will surely follow :)
You want a concert that’s worth every cent of the ticket price? One where you get solid live vocals throughout, polished dancing in sync, amazing stages and outfits, an electric atmosphere and wholesome interactions? Look no further than ⁦@JYPETWICE
Dahyun dropping a 25 cover on 25th November, exactly a month before Christmas, on her 25th year (Korean counting) and if you add 2 and 5 it’s 7 which is her special number 🤯🤯🤯
30 seconds of Jeongyeon non-stop laughing 😂😂 And somehow it’s always Momo that triggers her lol
Statistically impossible for PSY to win if it’s based on the MAMA publicised voting criteria, but sure I still see some using the “ONCE are lazy” line. Maybe explain to us how he won and not discredit the ONCE who actually voted?? twitter.com/lIldsunbae09/s…
Bear in mind that website voting accounted for 50% of the overall score. TWICE had 3.01% while PSY had a mere 0.01%. Even taking into account MV views and Spotify voting there was no way he could have overtaken TWICE, so this is NOT due to a lack of effort.
So sick and tired of those “work harder next year” tweets because all the evidence so far indicates the awards are RIGGED. If the process is unfair to begin with that’s just a huge insult to fans who have been diligently putting in effort. It’s a farce.
that blink saying TWICE concerts are dead is the biggest joke ever cos after TWICELIGHTS 2019 my ears were ringing and I lost my voice for 2 days after screaming and singing along
Jeongyeon and Sana really tried tricking Tzuyu that marshmallows grow in fields 😂😂
POV: you meet your bias at the coffee shop