TTT is really my name | READY TO BE(@StuckOnTwice247)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Listen up, TWICE got 1M pre-orders not for you to use as clapbacks or as justification that TWICE are more successful than ________. This is a validation of their consistent hard work, and only ONCE and TWICE are invited for the celebration. Everyone else, this ain't about you.
So you're telling me the members didn't know that everyone had renewed their contracts until the official announcement, but they had absolute faith and trust in one another that every member wanted to continue together as TWICE... I'm crying
Man the L-O-V-E hand choreo is so fast it’s like a summoning jutsu
I call this the M subunit
TZUYU CELEBRATE 10-WORD INTERVIEW Q: How was today’s shoot? A: It was like our first red carpet in a long time! Q: How much do you love ONCE? A: I love ONCE a lot a lot a lot… (ran out of words 😂😂)…
“I’ll run to you as if I always did” reminds me of the time Jihyo ran to Sana immediately after her quarantine ended 😭😭😭 I can’t do this anymore
Wonder if it’s possible to delay promos so we can have all 9 members fighting fit and performing in front of a live audience 🙏 I totally get it if it’s not, I just feel gutted cos Jihyo was so excited and really looking forward to this comeback…
I think RR really outdid themselves this time! If only we could see that same energy and creativity in SK? The QR codes would attract attention in busy subways and generate buzz. Although credit to Div3 for the ads at the media towers and the promos lined up for the members
I really hope that for this comeback, K-ONCE and I-ONCE can be united in showing TWICE our love and full support. If there are any differences, put them aside now. We belong to the same fandom; there's no merit in putting one another down but together, we can be a shining light.
I think this needs to be said more: Nayeon’s POP was one of the best things that happened in K Pop in 2022.
the secondhand embarrassment... Most of these are for breast cancer awareness :\\\…
False information??? I’m not buying it unless you provide proof that the photo was fake. It’s looking pretty bad, opening sexualising #8 when she was still a minor? You’re going down. APOLOGIZE TO CHAEYOUNG ! #KICK_OUT_HYUNSEUNG @YOUNITE_twt PROTECT CHAEYOUNG! @jypnation…
DAHYUN CELEBRATE 10-WORD INTERVIEW Q: How was today’s shoot? A: I’m really looking forward to it! Q: How much do you love ONCE? A: About the same as (how big) the sky, earth and universe are!…
MINA CELEBRATE 10-WORD INTERVIEW Q: How was today’s shoot? A: I’m looking forward to the photos! Q: How much do you love ONCE? A: So much that it’s impossible to count! Q: What do you want to do most right now? A: Travel around the world!
JIHYO CELEBRATE 10-WORD INTERVIEW Q: How was today’s shoot? A: It was cold but really fun! Q: How much do you love ONCE? A: About as much as ONCE love us :PP Q: What do you want to do most right now? A: Go on a long trip to a resort town!
SANA CELEBRATE 10-WORD INTERVIEW Q: How was today’s shoot? A: It’s been a long time since we had a red carpet event! Q: How much do you love ONCE? A: Uh.. well.. Like an incredible amount!
ok it just dawned on me, the theme is Y2K so between 1&2 can be interpreted as between the 1st millenium (1000-1999) and 2nd millenium (2000 onwards) so we'll see a crossover of retro meets modern 🤯🤯🤯
Just had to do it 🤣🤣
That’s one insane trailer, they definitely pulled off duality (retro vs futuristic) in both their outfits and sound. Looks like that will be the core concept of between1&2; TWICE can flip the switch any time they want traversing through time to own any genre they take on!
non-ONCE getting brave saying TWICE are only co-workers when Chaeyoung said even the word "family" is not good enough to describe the bond the members have. I'd much rather take the words of a TWICE member over some letters behind an @ lol.
Definitely trusting Jeongyeon and the members when they say Talk The Talk is good. I’ve no doubt it will be SOTY level good!!!
I’m just thankful that Jeongyeon knows it’s about promotions and it’s nothing directed at the members… At this rate I’m sure all of them will eventually know what’s going on and they will talk to their managers and the company. Please just send them love and support on Bubble!
Jeongyeon saw it 😭😭 Please direct your concerns to JYPE, do not send the girls these messages on Bubble and cause them distress!!
Honestly I don’t get how when a group of TWICE’s stature is having a comeback, the Korean gp knows NOTHING about it. I can get if that they’re gearing towards the Western market with a Friday release, but TWICE don’t go on shows or have any meaningful promos. Frustrating.