"Out of the $14.6 trillion in spending announced by the 50 largest economies in 2020, only 2.5% has been for green activities."
UNEP and Oxford University are tracking the economic Global Recovery and it doesn't look too "green" - whatever "green" means...
"Eventually the public pressure was too much, so you started to act. Not acting as in taking climate action. But acting as in roleplaying. Playing politics, playing with words, playing with our future."
My speech in print from today's #WorldAustrianSummit gretathunberg.medium.com/the-show-is-ov…
School strike week 117. Because of new COVID-19 recommendations and the rapid spread, we’re back to #ClimateStrikeOnline .
If you strike, remember to keep distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve
Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow #COP26
But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms. Right now many countries are vaccinating healthy young people, often at the expense of risk groups and front line workers (mainly from global south, as usual...).
Thread-> twitter.com/BBCNews/status…
“Four countries in the Middle East saw temperatures surpass 50C at the weekend amid a continuing pattern of record-breaking heat for the time of year.”
"Some countries are racing to vaccinate their entire populations, while other countries have nothing."
@DrTedros says vaccine inequality is "becoming more grotesque every day".
“total CO2 emissions from fossil fuel in the EU in 2020 amounted to 2600 megatonnes, in other words - wildfires this year generated 148% more than total EU fossil fuel emissions in 2020/…/this figure is likely to grow.”
Climate strike week 244. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
Tomorrow we strike again in 62 countries all over the world! Online or in small numbers in the streets where the situation allows and in line with local corona restrictions.
Find your local strike or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org
Two cat.4-5 hurricanes in two weeks time in the same place...
#Iota #Eta #Nicaragua twitter.com/weatherchannel…
"Carbon emissions from England's roads plan '100 times greater than government claims' "
There were more people in that meeting. Media needs to stop erasing the voices of activists, especially the most affected people from the most affected areas. twitter.com/Thelma_DWalker…
Tomorrow is the day! All over the planet people will strike, march and protest to demand world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit
More info can be found at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/
Where will you be joining from?
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
Sweden today confirmed its shortsighted, racist, colonial and nature-hostile approach. Sweden pretends to be a leader for environment and human rights, but at home they violate indigenous rights and continue waging a war on nature. The world will remember this.
#StandWithSápmi twitter.com/FFF_Sweden/sta…
What a day! Today we striked (online or physically in small numbers) in 1068 places in 68 countries!
Soon we’ll be back on the streets again.
Thread with pictures from today->
Pakistan @FFFbalochistan
Antarctica @AWIs4Future
Germany @FridayForFuture
Sierra Leone @FFF_SierraLeone
School strike week 137.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
”I think we simply need to tell the truth. We should be adult enough to handle the truth. And the truth can be quite frightening in some ways – but it is also hopeful.”
Last week I had a long conversation with David Attenborough. You can read it here:
"74% of respondents said they intended to fly less frequently for environmental reasons, once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted" ... " Citizens feel the impacts of climate change and they want the climate crisis to be addressed with unprecedented action" reuters.com/article/climat…
We can’t call for climate justice while advocating for policies and face-out-dates based on targets that exclude aspect of equity and historic emissions. The first step towards climate justice must be to include ALL (especially) high income nations emissions in the targets. 1/n
School strike week 122. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
For the last 12 years the Jåhkågaska Sami community has been defending its grazing lands by resisting this iron-ore mine. By doing so they have been safeguarding what keeps us all safe: biodiverse forests, intact carbon stock, clean water and air. 1/2
"Led by Wall Street giants Bank of America, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase, 50 top investment banks provided financial services to sectors driving mass extinctions and biodiversity loss worth more than the GDP of Canada in 2019, the analysis found."