Climate strike week 242. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
"The Amazon is losing its ability to recover from disturbances like droughts and land-use changes, scientists reported Monday, adding to concern that the rainforest is approaching a critical threshold beyond which much of it will be replaced by grassland"
”Harvesting and burning forest biomass moves carbon out of forests and into the atmosphere right at the time when it is most important to reduce emissions.”
59 scientists from 17 countries write ”the EU needs to grow forests – not burn them for energy”.
"Global energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide rose to their highest ever level last year"
Surprise surprise - it turns out beautiful words and empty promises do not actually lower emissions... We are now at an all-time high. #PeopleNotProfit
"The climate crisis is pushing the planet’s tropical regions towards the limits of human livability, with rising heat and humidity threatening to plunge much of the world’s population into potentially lethal conditions."
"The nations that make up the G7 have pumped billions of dollars more into fossil fuels than they have into clean energy."
Ah yes, that "green recovery"...
School strike week 167, in Glasgow at the #COP26 ! #FridaysForFuture #UprootTheSystem #ClimateStrike
Today we were more than 4000 people who went out on the streets of Stockholm to demand climate justice. We have showed that we are many who stand united in this fight. We don’t have 4 more years - we need action now. #RöstFörRättvisa
"Amsterdam is the first city in the world that wants to ban advertising from the fossil fuel industry and ads for air travel from the city."
"You can only adapt so much. This heatwave is testing the limits of human survivability." edition.cnn.com/2022/05/02/asi…
At the #ClimateAmbitionSummit leaders celebrate their shameless loopholes, empty words, distant insufficient goals and
theft of present and future living conditions - calling it "ambition".
There are no climate leaders.
The only ones who can change this is you and me. Together.
”Cop26 sets course for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C”
And that’s based on numbers that are “underreported” and “flawed” according to Washington Post’s investigation. And also IF leaders stick to their words. Their track record suggests otherwise…
"One of the UK’s most eminent environmental scientists has called the government’s failure to block a new coalmine in Cumbria 'absolutely ridiculous'".
This is worth sharing for the picture alone!
This is exactly what approving a new coal mine looks like.theguardian.com/environment/20…
I’ve invited over 100 leading voices from around the world - scientists, experts, activists and authors to create a book that covers the climate- and ecological crisis from a holistic perspective. The Climate Book will be released in October.
”It’s shameful they’re getting away with it.”
Groundbreaking journalism which shows that unless things fundamentally change, the COPs are bound to fail since the targets and statistics are so incomplete - and since honesty and transparency is missing.
The G7 leaders really seem to be having a good time presenting their empty climate commitments and repeating old unfulfilled promises.
#G7UK #MindTheGap
The EU taxonomy today takes greenwashing to a completely new level. The people in power do not even pretend to care anymore. Now they are moving into unchartered greenwash territory.
Yes, China is still categorized as a developing nation by WTO, they manufacture a lot of our products and so on.
But that's of course no excuse for ruining future and present living conditions. We can't solve the climate crisis unless China drastically changes course.
#MindTheGap twitter.com/CNN/status/139…
Scientists estimate that our actual greenhouse gas emissions can be up to 20-30% higher than what we report. Future climate scenarios and the necessary emissions reductions are calculated based on the reported emissions. 1/4
Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World premieres in USA in a three-hour event on Earth Day, Thursday April 22nd at 8/7c on PBS.
"Climate coverage as a whole still made up only 0.4% of overall coverage on corporate broadcast morning, nightly and Sunday morning news shows in 2020."
In case you're still wondering why there's no real change in sight...
#FaceTheClimateEmergency mediamatters.org/broadcast-netw…
School strike week 138.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency