Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

"Vi kan hålla på och fiffla med siffror bara för att framstå som bra. Men det fungerar inte i längden för utsläppen finns där trots allt, oavsett om vi räknar dem eller inte."…
“We need to stop focusing on dates and numbers and actually accept and acknowledge the fact that we need to reduce our emissions right now. We can talk about 2030 or 2040 as much as we want. But it is what we are doing now that really matters."…
Interview in @FT by @lesliehook , plus a 16 minute video.
Wow! Really impressed by yesterday’s #NetZeroSummit . The ambitious #NetZero emissions targets now being set by our leaders really show that we’ve entered a new era on climate, with less talk - and more action. I'm so happy to say that the Paris Agreement is finally within reach!…
Well you all know what day it is...
I made a video where I talk about some small things we ALL can and should do to stop the climate crisis. We are in this together, and everyone is needed. YOU get to decide what future you’ll live in. So please watch, share and start doing your part today!
"Om man då jämför med coronapandemin: vad var det som fick oss att agera? Var det hoppfulla historier om Agda, 95, som överlevde, trots allt? Kanske inte. Det var snarare att vi måste göra det här för att undvika något annat." Intervju i @p1konflikt…
The fact that this aspect doesn’t even exist in the debate when we talk about vaccination and “going back to normal” says it all... This is truly shameful.…
Happy Easter everyone! Today, instead of going egg-hunting, we went waste-hunting!
Today is #AutismAwarenessDay. At the age of 12 I was diagnosed with Asperger, a form of autism. At that time I had no idea what it meant. When I and my parents told people I was autistic, they always reacted with shock since I didn’t fit into the stereotype of autistic people.1/7
Today, so many (especially girls) remain undiagnosed. The reasons for that are often lack of awareness, prejudices and the fact that many still see autism as a “disease” or something that has to hold you back. 2/7
That more people are diagnosed with autism etc isn’t because there is an “inflation” in diagnoses but since awareness is increasing and many highly sensitive people experience stress related problems in modern society which gives them reason to suspect they’re on the spectrum.3/7
Almost everywhere there are very limited resources to give autistic people the necessary support. Without these adjustments autism can turn into a disability. But under the right circumstances it can truly be a gift and turn into something you - and society - can benefit from.4/7
Sadly, today the level of awareness is so low. So many go undiagnosed and will therefore not receive the help they need and may go their whole life believing something is wrong with them. 5/7
So let’s all join in spreading awareness. It could literally save lives. Autism is not a disease. It’s not something you ”have”. It’s definitely not ”caused” by anything like vaccine or diet. 6/7
It simply means that you are a bit different from everyone else. And in a world where everyone strives to act, think and look the same - being different is truly something to be proud of. Thats why I’m very proud to be autistic. 7/7 #AutisticAndProud #AspiePower #ActuallyAutistic
So the ”biggest line item” of Biden's climate focused $2 trillion infrastructure plan will ”fund repairs and renovations to the country’s roads, bridges and airports” with “sustainable and innovative” materials. Lol.…
Is this is confirmed, then it is truly groundbreaking to say the least. And I don’t mean that in a good way...…
"Climate is not like a footy match where you lose and it is game over. The climate game continues, so even if the 1.5C game is lost, it is still game-on for 1.6C and 1.7C. /.../every fraction of a degree, every year and every choice matters."…
On Monday 12/4 9pm BST episode 1 of “A Year To Change The World” will air on @BBCOne . It’s a documentary series in 3 parts which followed me during my year off school and explores the science behind the climate crisis. @bbcstudios
"Carbon emissions from England's roads plan '100 times greater than government claims' "…
Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow #COP26 But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms. Right now many countries are vaccinating healthy young people, often at the expense of risk groups and front line workers (mainly from global south, as usual...). Thread->…
Inequality and climate injustice is already the heart of the climate crisis. If people can’t be vaccinated and travel to be represented equally that’s undemocratic and would worsen the problem. Vaccine nationalism won’t solve the pandemic. Global problems need global solutions.->
But if current trends continue and the #cop26 has to be delayed that doesn’t mean we have to delay the urgent action required. We don’t have to wait for conferences nor anyone or anything else to dramatically start reducing our emissions. Solidarity and action can start today.