We're very honoured by this!
But in all fairness @amazon , if you consider schoolchildren fighting for the right to a safe future to be a "threat to your business", then you seriously need to reconsider your priorities...
Good to know! twitter.com/JohnKerry/stat…
School strike week 118. Because of new COVID-19 recommendations and the rapid spread, we’re back to #ClimateStrikeOnline .
If you strike, remember to keep distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve
“Around the world, young women are fighting for our future. Our activism takes different forms but we are working together towards the same goal: changing political and economic systems to prioritize people and our planet.”
Thank you @Malala for letting me guest edit Assembly! twitter.com/Malala/status/…
Solidarity, science and common sense must always come first in every crisis.
Protect the people most affected and most vulnerable.
Both in the long- and short-term.
So once again, let's all act responsibly,
#FlattenTheCurve and #FightEveryCrisis
"Frequent-flying “‘super emitters” who represent just 1% of the world’s population caused half of aviation’s carbon emissions in 2018."
11% of the world's population flew in 2018.
Everyone is not equally responsible for causing the climate crisis... theguardian.com/business/2020/…
Two cat.4-5 hurricanes in two weeks time in the same place...
#Iota #Eta #Nicaragua twitter.com/weatherchannel…
The greatest activists of today are the ones who are actively - or passively - supporting the status quo by avoiding real and meaningful climate action.
The struggle to maintain business as usual is probably the most successful and powerful activist movement ever.
My generation, and those coming after, are the future. We deserve to be fought for. We deserve climate justice, social justice and equity.
”I am Greta” documentary now streaming on hulu.
School strike week 117. Because of new COVID-19 recommendations and the rapid spread, we’re back to #ClimateStrikeOnline .
If you strike, remember to keep distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve
It becomes clearer and clearer that it doesn’t seem to end with giving up on empathy, equality, facts and science.
It appears after that follows diminishing or denying democracy itself.
A global phenomenon - all for greed and power.
As long as we don’t treat the climate crisis like a crisis, we can have as many climate conferences and summits as we want, but as it is now it will just be negotiations, empty words, loopholes and greenwash.
“Countries pouring money into fossil fuels to fight recession”.
So this is what our leaders mean when they talk about a so-called “green recovery” and “listening to the children”.
No one is coming to our rescue.
It’s up to us.
We’re on our own.
When it’s about something that's in 10 years’ time, they're more than happy to vote for it because it doesn’t really impact them. But when it’s something that actually has an effect right here right now, they don’t want to touch it. It shows the hypocrisy.
My thoughts are with the countless people affected by the disastrous aftermath of storm #ETA .
#mapa twitter.com/BBCWorld/statu…
School strike week 116. Because of new COVID-19 recommendations and the rapid spread, we’re back to #ClimateStrikeOnline .
If you strike, remember to keep distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve
So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Globally, October was the third warmest ever recorded, marginally behind 2015 and 2019.
In Europe it was the warmest October on record. twitter.com/CopernicusECMW…
Today, many of you will have the opportunity to make a choice.
Your vote will affect billions of people around the world.
Your vote will affect countless of generations to come.
Use it.
Use it well.
Every election is a climate election.
I don’t know about you, but I sure am willing to call-out-the-fossil-fuel-companies-for-knowingly-destroying-future-living-conditions -for-countless-generations-for profit-and-then-trying-to-distract-people-and-prevent-real-systemic-change-through-endless greenwash-campaigns. twitter.com/Shell/status/1…
"Of course I don’t see the world in black and white. It’s just that when it comes to the climate and environment, you can’t be a little bit sustainable. Either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable."
Long interview in @NYTmag
This is a rough quick introduction explaining why technology alone won't "solve" the climate crisis.
Do we need it? - Yes.
Should we invest every possible resource? - Yes, as long as it's holistically sustainable.
Will it be enough? - No, far from it.
Happy Halloween everyone...
#ClimateEmergency twitter.com/ZLabe/status/1…