Greta Thunberg(@GretaThunberg)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

”More than 1.14 million people are food-insecure as severe droughts push communities to the brink of starvation. Madagascar famine becomes first in history to be caused solely by climate crisis.”…
Since the Paris Agreement was signed 5 yrs ago, G20 states have subsidised fossil fuels by more than 3.3 trillion dollars. Only *2%* of their financial support after the pandemic has gone to clean energy transitions. #MindTheGap between words and action.…
School strike week 153. Today I’m joining the climate strike in Sundsvall. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays. #MindTheGap #climatestrikeonline #fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Bara 1/3 av Sveriges totala CO2 utsläpp inkluderas i statistiken och i våra klimatmål. Hur ska vi kunna lösa - eller ens diskutera - en kris som vi ignorerar 2/3 av? Oerhört hoppfullt att det här äntligen granskas och kommuniceras!…
“Global greenhouse gas emissions are likely to rise to record levels in the next two years, as governments fail to ‘build back better’ from the Covid-19 pandemic.” #MindTheGap between words and action.…
In the beginning of a climate- and ecological emergency Norway’s prime minister says Norway “remains committed to oil and gas”. #MindTheGap between words and action.…
Here are some “positive” news after the recent extreme weather events around the world: OPEC has decided to INCREASE the production of oil, starting next month. ”Overall production will increase by 400,000 barrels per day on a monthly basis”.…
”More than 30 people have died in the Indian city of Mumbai after an intense burst of rainfall caused a landslide and wall collapse, as changing monsoon patterns due to climate change lead to more extreme rains across India.”…
Sedan 2016 har statliga @sveaskog avverkat en yta stor som Öland. "De håller på att ta allt nu, i snabb takt. Jag ser det som att vi inte har något val. Det vi gör är inte aktivism, det är en skyddshandling." #StandWithSápmi…
People in power are now trying to act responsibly, saying lots of beautiful words. Everyone seems to forget that they are the ones responsible for putting us on a pathway towards a several degrees hotter and destabilized planet.
Right now everyone is talking about the climate emergency - and rightly so. But as soon as these tragedies are over we'll most likely forget about it and move on like before. Unless we treat the crisis like a crisis all the time, we will not be able to halt the climate emergency.…
I may be able to laugh at this, but let’s not forget about the environmental defenders around the world who are actually being killed as we speak. #DefendTheDefenders…
Siri, show me an accurate definition of the expression “shooting the messenger”…
”Prof Bill McGuire, for instance, from UCL, told me: ’The obvious acceleration of the breakdown of our stable climate simply confirms that - when it comes to the climate emergency - we are in deep, deep s***!’” #FaceTheClimateEmergency…
School strike week 152 on a clear cut in Sápmi. The #EUForestStrategy is presented today. They’ll continue allowing clear cuts and call burning forest biomass “renewable” - worsening the climate- and ecological emergencies, ignoring indigenous rights and demands #FridaysForFuture
"Only about a tenth of the $17tn in bailouts provided by governments since the start of the pandemic was spent on activities that reduced greenhouse gas emissions or restored the natural world." #MindTheGap between words and action.…
Deadly heatwaves, floods, storms, wildfires, droughts, crop failures... This is not “the new normal”. We’re at the very beginning of a climate and ecological emergency, and extreme weather events will only become more and more frequent. #FaceTheClimateEmergency
”2,000 firefighters on the ground who are battling wildfires raging across almost 800,000 hectares (roughly 2 million acres) in Siberia.”…
There is an activist camp at Riehpovuotna and many are resisting. Though we must combat the climate crisis, this cannot be used as an excuse for so-called “green” colonialism with the same mindset that got us here in the first place. #iifalnussir #reddfjordene #savethefjords 3/3
This will impact the local fisheries that are essential to the Sea Sami culture and will be yet another attack on them from the Norwegian state. The mining company has planned a mine in the mountain in the middle of reindeer guottetbáiki which is crucial for the reindeer. 2/3
This is Riehpovuotna/Repparfjord in the northern part of Sápmi, in Norway. The fjord is a protection area for the threatened Atlantic salmon. The Norwegian government has granted a permission to pump 2 million tons of toxic mining waste into the fjord annually. 1/3
So it’s official. Unless the EU tear up their new #Fitfor55 package, the world will not stand a chance of staying below 1,5°C of global heating. That’s not an opinion, once you include the full picture it’s a scientific fact. #MindTheGap between words and action.