What a surprise... As it is now the people in power can get away with almost anything. All they have to do is to say some nice words and say they will "form alliances and work together to combat climate change". #COP26 twitter.com/RobbBla/status…
The fact that the aspect of equity is considered "subjective" at this level tells you a lot about current climate policies... But that's not all. Read this important thread. #COP26 twitter.com/KanitkarT/stat…
We are filing a legal petition to the UN secretary-general urging him to declare the climate crisis a global level 3 emergency – the UN’s highest category.
"The total emissions of the richest 10 percent alone are set to exceed the 1.5°C-aligned level in 2030, regardless of what the other 90 percent do" - study from @SEIresearch and @IEEP_eu
This is one of the many reasons why we need climate justice. #COP26
”Cop26 sets course for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C”
And that’s based on numbers that are “underreported” and “flawed” according to Washington Post’s investigation. And also IF leaders stick to their words. Their track record suggests otherwise…
Fighting for climate justice is also fighting for democracy. Our civilization will be increasingly threatened as the planet destabilises, putting everything at risk, including democracy.
This is a major threat. Democracy is everything. We can't save the living planet without it.
”It’s shameful they’re getting away with it.”
Groundbreaking journalism which shows that unless things fundamentally change, the COPs are bound to fail since the targets and statistics are so incomplete - and since honesty and transparency is missing.
“Civil society voices are critical to the outcome of Cop, but we’ve not been able to do our jobs. If participation and inclusion are the measure of legitimacy, then we’re on very shaky grounds”
#COP26 legitimacy is questioned as civil society is excluded.
"There are more delegates at COP26 associated with the fossil fuel industry than from any single country"
I don't know about you, but I sure am not comfortable with having some of the world's biggest villains influencing & dictating the fate of the world.
Unless we achieve immediate, drastic, unprecedented, annual emission cuts at the source then that means we’re failing when it comes to this climate crisis.
“Small steps in the right direction”, “making some progress” or “winning slowly” equals loosing.
#COP26 #UprootTheSystem
A must watch, especially now during #COP26 twitter.com/thejuicemedia/…
Today hundreds of thousands all over the world marched for the climate, sending a clear signal to people in power at #COP26 to protect people and planet. Our so-called “leaders” aren’t leading - THIS is what leadership looks like! #UprootTheSystem
📸: Glasgow, Oliver Kornblihtt
“Many are asking what it’ll take for people in power to wake up. But let’s be clear - they’re already awake. They know exactly what they’re doing. They know exactly what priceless values they’re sacrificing to maintain business as usual.”
My speech from today’s march in Glasgow. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
Wow. This is truly what people power looks like.
#FridaysForFuture #UprootTheSystem twitter.com/stuart_gibson/…
School strike week 167, in Glasgow at the #COP26 ! #FridaysForFuture #UprootTheSystem #ClimateStrike
#COP26 has been named the must excluding COP ever.
This is no longer a climate conference.
This is a Global North greenwash festival.
A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.
This Taskforce, and other schemes like it, are scams that could trash the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1,5°C.
We are a part of nature. If we protect nature, we protect ourselves. We do not protect ourselves with dangerous climate lies like offsets.
Nature-based offsetting that relies heavily on land use in the Global South and in Indigenous lands risks shifting responsibility for emissions made by Global North countries to those already struggling with the impacts of the climate crisis and are least responsible for it.
Offsetting risks human rights transgressions and to harm already vulnerable communities.
Offsetting is often hypocrisy and it is swirling around at #COP26.
In broad daylight, we are being gaslit by corporates and governments but we are exposing the climate lies.
It is time to take down the Taskforce on Corporate Scams.
Polluting profiteers see offsetting as their “get out of jail for free card” in the climate game.
But offsetting is often a dangerous climate lie.
The fossil fuel industry & banks caused are among the biggest climate villains. Now @Shell @bp & @StanChart are here in Glasgow trying to scale up offsetting & give polluters a free pass to keep polluting. Their plan could trash the 1,5°C goal.
Wow! Now almost 1,5 million people all over the world have signed our plea to for world leaders to end the climate betrayal during #COP26 . People are mobilising and rising together.
Sign here: secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/cl…
@joeyayoub No, by 2052 with a 39,78% reduction by 2034
I am pleased to announce that I’ve decided to go net-zero on swear words and bad language. In the event that I should say something inappropriate I pledge to compensate that by saying something nice. #COP26