We stand in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Egypt & joined @copcivicspace petition urging Egypt to open civic space and release everyone arbitrarily detained ahead of #COP27
Sign the petition urging @AlsisiOfficial @COP27P to #FreeThemAll
Fossil fuels are killing us.
Om vi behövde mer bevis för att klimatkrisen helt ignoreras; när ökade extrema väderhändelser avlöser varandra så granskas Sveriges "klimatmål". De visar sig vara vetenskapligt helt otillräckliga, fulla av kryphål & bara 1/3 av våra utsläpp inkluderas. 1/n
"The death toll from the strongest typhoon to batter the Philippines this year has climbed to 375, with more than 50 others still missing"
Please donate to help, information is here: twitter.com/YACAPhilippine…
#OdettePH #ReliefPH #Rai
The Greta Thunberg Foundation supports IOM's important work with people displaced by the climate crisis in Pakistan & Somalia
@UNmigration is helping people to find a way to stay, adapt and move when there is no other option. You can also support IOM here: donate.iom.int/find-way
Today at 3pm GMT together with @VanessaNakate1 @rosereyde @BriannaFruean and @NickiBecker I'll talk about Youth Organizing as part of the #JustRecoveryGathering that @350 is organising.
join us: justrecoverygathering.org/?source=ptnr.f…
UK and many other nations targets have basically the same problems. Like baseline manipulation, heavily depending on technology that doesn’t exist at scale and likely never will, consumption not included. And completely ignoring the aspect of equity.
The Sami communities affected have clearly and repeatedly said no to this mine. We now await the Swedish government’s decision on whether they will allow this to happen or not. 2/4
One of these prisoners is Alaa Abd El-Fattah, who is now on a water strike since the beginning of COP27.
A system that doesn't address the needs for climate justice and securing human rights is a system that has failed everyone – we need to keep both in mind. 2/4
"Ekosystemens sammanbrott sker inte, som en sorts ödets skadeglada tajmning, samtidigt som coronakrisen – det är en direkt orsak bakom pandemin."
Cutting down forests - at a time when we need to maximise every possible carbon sink - isn’t only disastrous for the climate, but also for biodiversity. Not to mention the local indigenous Sami reindeer herders who have lived here and cared for the land for thousands of years.2/7
Sweden’s ever expanding forestry has been criticised by the scientific community, indigenous Sámi villages as well as the climate- and environmental movement. The country and its industries often claim that we have record amount of forests.
"Skogsnäringen satsar stora pengar på att förmedla att ökat skogsbruk är klimatsmart. Sammanlagt över 150 miljoner kronor under de senaste fyra åren"
Så här sprids myten om "det hållbara skogsbruket" - Sveriges motsvarighet till oljeindustrin. twitter.com/dagensnyheter/…
If you want to support the cause, you can add your name to this petition:
Over 300 000 people have already signed.
Stand for peace, human rights and the climate.
Reject Russian fuels. Reject this taxonomy. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
Det här sammanfattar svenskt skogsbruk.
Bara 1/3 av Sveriges totala utsläpp omfattas av våra "klimatmål" och vi är inte ens nära att nå de målen. I kvällens #agenda kommer politiker frågas ut om klimatkrisen.
Undrar vilken kris de kommer utgå ifrån. Helheten eller - som alltid - den kris som ignorerar 2/3 av problemet?
Note that this is for a 50% chance of us staying below 1,5°C of global average temperature rise.
📸1: EPA-EFE /Mahmut Serdar Alakus
2: Getty images
3: CNS photo/ Wolfgang Rattay, Reuters
4: Getty images
*phase-out-dates of course
“Despite Egypt being called an African Cop, we’re having a very serious challenge and many countries most affected by the climate crisis won’t be represented.”
“Indigenous lives matter. If Coca-Cola is going, our voices have to be heard."
Forests are not renewable, whatever the industries may say. Trees are renewable, not forests. In a short term we only switch from one source of carbon to another when we burn biomass. Since we don’t have the time it takes for the clear cut to compensate for the carbon debt ...4/7
These findings agrees with the major survey by the Washington post last year, showing that our emissions are underreported by up to 23%. 2/4
"Om man ska försöka dra ned på utsläppen under de närmaste 50 åren så är det bättre att låta skogen stå kvar. Det gäller även om man ersätter olja och kol med biomassan – klimatproblemen ökar."
DN granskar myten om "hållbart biobränsle".