Yesterday I and three other activists from @FFF_Sweden joined local Sami activists for a manifestation in Gállok. Here, on indigenous land, a British mining company wants to build a mine. That would be a disaster for the climate and environment. 1/4
School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency #nomoreemptypromises
School strike week 153. Today I’m joining the climate strike in Sundsvall. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Today we were more than 4000 people who went out on the streets of Stockholm to demand climate justice. We have showed that we are many who stand united in this fight. We don’t have 4 more years - we need action now. #RöstFörRättvisa
"Before reading, you may want to know that by writing these lines I am putting my life in danger. This may sound dramatic to anyone in the UK or Europe but it is the harsh reality of activists on the ground defending themselves against the projects you finance." twitter.com/mitzijonelle/s…
The climate crisis is an accumulative crisis. Our CO2 emissions stay in the atmosphere for up to a thousand years. Being on the list among the biggest historical emitters certainly doesn’t speak to your advantage as “climate leader”. twitter.com/CarbonBrief/st…
School strike week 163, in Milano.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #UprootTheSystem
”The climate emergency is already hitting ’worst case scenario’ levels that if left unchecked will lead to the collapse of ecosystems, with dire consequences for humanity.”
Solo nonstop around the world. Tonight the first boats in @VendeeGlobe return to France. After 44000 km and 80 days only mins and hrs separate top 5. And my good friend @borisherrmann is one of them! While carrying along scientific equipment to measure oceanic CO2...
A true hero!
Humanity is moving further and further into unchartered territory for us. This in itself is unprecedented, but what is even more unprecedented is the speed at which it's happening. And we keep accelerating.
In other words; join the climate justice movement. twitter.com/co2_earth/stat…
You cannot mass produce fashion or consume ”sustainably” as the world is shaped today. That is one of the many reasons why we will need a system change.
Photo by Alexandrov Klum 3/3 voguescandinavia.com/articles/greta…
Sweden’s government collapsed today. From a climate perspective, this is huge. We may soon have a completely new line up of empty words and promises to look forward to!
But first we’ll need to seriously bunker up with coffee and småkakor for all the fika and talmansrundor. #svpol
Many make it look as if the fashion industry is starting to take responsibility, spending fantasy amounts on campaigns portraying themselves as ”sustainable”, ”ethical”, ”green”, ”climate neutral” or ”fair”. But let’s be clear: This is almost never anything but pure greenwash.2/3
The ”net” in ”net-zero emissions” could be among the greatest - and most dangerous - loopholes ever created. The fact that our governments are using the same language as the worlds most polluting fossil fuel companies really says it all... #FightFor1Point5
Wealthiest 1% produce double the combined CO2 emissions of poorest 50%.
"We have got to cut over-consumption and the best place to start is over-consumption among the polluting elites who contribute by far more than their share of carbon emissions."
The recent developments in several countries with drawbacks on democracy are extremely worrying.
The rights to peaceful protest and assembly are non negotiable fundamental human rights. twitter.com/Greenpeace_PL/…
School strike week 211. Next Friday we take it to the streets again, before the election. We meet up at Sergels Torg at 12.30. See you there! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike4Climate
School strike week 154. Even though it’s summer holiday we keep on protesting on Fridays.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
A small piece of advice for humanity:
when you're in a hole - stop digging.
A crisis created by lack of respect for nature will most likely not be solved by taking that lack of respect to the next level...
Since some people seem to be upset that my foundation is donating money I would once again like to remind that this money comes from awards and prizes. I don't receive any money for my activism nor do have an interest in philanthropy. Book royalties etc I give to my foundation.
"Yes, planting new trees can help. But intact wild areas are much better. The world needs to treat warming and biodiversity loss as two parts of the same problem, a new report warns."
#ClimateBreakdown #EcologicalBreakdown
Yes, China is still categorized as a developing nation by WTO, they manufacture a lot of our products and so on.
But that's of course no excuse for ruining future and present living conditions. We can't solve the climate crisis unless China drastically changes course.
#MindTheGap twitter.com/CNN/status/139…