LET'S DANCE!! ((*´-ω・`人´・ω-`*)) #kasumiyoshizawa #haruokumura #p5r
♂️♀️ #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R "Senpai, senpai... I just want to see you smile... Ahh.."
no way, she is so based for saying that #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r #persona5
あらあら... 私のかわいい弟。 Camilla route #FeHeroes #FireEmblem
Yay senpai I got youuuu~☺️ #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r #persona5
#YukikoAmagi #Persona4 #P4G *Snort* Hhnnk!! =^-^= The cutie from the famous Amagi Inn!
And Cinderella lived happily ever after... (I guess senpai noticed her after all!) #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R
but i will be here to protect u and delet the bad vibes !! #JustMonika #DDLC #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #ドキドキ文芸部
This crops horribly on desktop (better on mobile) - but hi! ✌️ Let's go out on a cafe date!! ✌️ #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R
#KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #P5R I can't be close to you, I'll settle for the ghost of you I miss you more than life... ...I miss you more than life.
Almost forgit to giv u choccy malk bc ur ebbic #DDLC #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #ドキドキ文芸部
#kasumiyoshizawa #p5r hi can i get an iced latte with breast milk i mean breast milk i mean breast milk sorry i mean breast milk i mean breast milk I mean
Congratulations #Persona5Royal and #NieRAutomata for getting ported to the Nintendo Switch! So excited to meet new and old fans of two of the best series I've ever played! #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R
Kouhai wants to spend time together #kasumiyoshizawa #persona5 #p5r