I've seen this trick! ( ^ __ ^ ) #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R
#RiseKujikawa #Persona4Golden #P4G (COMMISSION) Rise in Violet's outfit!
Merry Christmas, senpai!!!!! 🥳🎄 im happy to spend another year with you ☺️ #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r
😭 someone at EVO stole my convention pouch with $150 worth of electronics from behind my desk… if someone sees a bright pink nier automata bag with a 2b/9s charm please let me know, it’s not being sold at EVO so it stands out😢 the pouch was a present from my friend so I’m sad
Thank you for loving me in all of my perfect imperfections. #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r 🎀💌
#KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #P5R Wholesome Sumi Christmas Game! (Phase I) Current phase: Pick an outfit for her! > Sumi's Blue Dress > Santa Girl > Comfy Morgana Kigurumi > Ren's PJ's
Quick, pat plz! 😭🥺 #DDLC #JustMonika
You still think that love's a game; 👑🎀 #Persona5 #P5R #KasumiYoshizawa #MakotoNijima
Merry Christmas, Senpai! Will you take my hand? I hope that we can always be together year after year. #KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #P5R
Reject feeding Yusuke, embrace giving gamer girl gf nitro twitter.com/MattHTaylor/st…
Her bow is so big and she looks so angy 🥺 #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r #persona5
Monika is so cute www (*´艸`*) (in/spectre reference) #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #JustMonika #DDLC #ドキドキ文芸部
#jackochallenge #kasumiyoshizawa #p5r Ironically a really fun dynamic pose to sketch with a booty,,.. >__< );b
GAOOOOOO!!!!! #KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #p5r Did I surprise you?!