[PART I] Senpai, let's stay behind a little bit. Can I train a little with you? #KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #p5r
#RiseKujikawa #Persona4Golden #P4G (COMMISSION) Rise in Violet's outfit!
#JustMonika #DDLC #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #ドキドキ文芸部 [PLAYER], I'm good at games too. Are you surprised? I just really want to impress you.. (ahahah~)
#KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #P5R Commission of dancing in starlight Sumi 💕💕
[PART II] Jackets were a little restricting anyways, now I can hug you better! #JustMonika #DDLC #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #ドキドキ文芸部
Alright everyone line up it's time for your daily affirmations #KasumiYoshizawa #P5R #persona5
commission of plush-ika riding a minecraft dog oh lawd she coming to ur defense #JustMonika #DDLC #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #ドキドキ文芸部 #Minecraft
#KasumiYoshizawa #Persona5 #P5R "Thank you for picking out a halloween outfit for me, senpai! I hope it fits me!" Little Red Riding Hood & Big Bad Wolf; Happy HOWL-O-WEEN!!!!
あらあら... 私のかわいい弟。 Camilla route #FeHeroes #FireEmblem
#ShuSumi #KasumiYoshizawa #persona5 #p5r #persona5royal #sumiren A job well done by the phantom thieves calls for a kiss!
#KasumiYoshizawa #p5r #persona5 先輩, かっこいい! YOU'RE THE BEST~ KEEP IT UP, SENPAI!