I added a random person on animal crossing so we can trade fruits but when I went to their island and put the peaches down, they picked it up and started running around and I think they shut down before giving me anything bc I’m back in my island with nothing....I’ve been robbed.
今年の夏はどこ行くの?🌜🤍🌛 . My mom told me to stop wearing all black clothes so I put some color. Hope she’s proud.
Our group keeps the member’s ages a secret so when I get asked questions like how long I’ve been single during Q&As, I can’t answer it - not bc I’m an idol but bc I would have to tell you my age ✌️😩✌️
My Monday has been blessed 🥺 Can’t believe I FINALLY GET TO VOICE A MAHOU SHOUJO 🎉🎉🎉🎉😭😭 Thank you so much 💕 まさか自分の声が魔法少女になる日が本当に来るなんて!!!😭 感謝感激です😭 これからよろしくお願いします。 #マギレコ #MagiRecoEN twitter.com/MagiaRecordEN/…
We usually have to blur some member’s clothes during the behind the scenes video footage bc of copyright issues if they’re wearing anime characters and stuff but I’m over here askin people to blur my clothes so that my cousin wouldn’t find out I took her clothes
わ〜🫢ありがとうございます♪ TVアニメ「トモちゃんは女の子!」 本日第6話です🥰 . Thank you everybody for the kind words 🥰 episode 6 aires tonight 💓 #tomochan twitter.com/theseiyuucafe/…
IT’S SNOWING!!! Time for me to play sad songs and think about my love life that never happened 🌜🤝🌛
“It’s not like you’re gonna die” is not a very reassuring phrase for me, I’d rather have people say “it’s okay if you mess up you’ll die and won’t have to deal with the consequences”
今日生まれたらしいです💓 素敵な # ありがとうございます♪ 皆さんのメッセージ届いてます💕 #天城サリー誕生祭2023 #天城サリー生誕祭2023 . Thank you for the birthday wishes 💕 Starting off the day with everyone’s nice words 💕
#AnimeAwards ありがとうございました! コンタクトが片目取れてしまって時が止まったように感じてしまった中、皆様の温かい拍手で心折れずに最後まで走り抜けられました。 カビラさんも沢山のフォローありがとうございました。 本日は本当にありがとうございました! そして本当にすみませんでした! twitter.com/theanimeawards…
☀️❄️春夏秋冬🌸🍂 ずっと一緒にいたいな🥰 どの天城と友達になる? . All the money my parents spent on my braces just for me to be sad all the time and never smile in pictures
I wanna follow my dreams but Hirai Momo doesn’t have a Twitter so I can’t.
my only personality trait is saying “that’s me” to everything and everyone I relate to, as if identity theft is a joke.
I appreciate people who side with my opinions by saying “Say it louder for the people in the back”. However, I am shy and I have a sore throat so please just pass on the message to the person closest to you and have it make it’s way to the back.
Everyday I’m one day closer to death so technically my life is always a near death experience
Quarantine’s giving me too much time to reflect on who I am I’m constantly having an existential crisis
おはよう☀今日も太陽が出てるね🥰 . On days when I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom, I remind myself that I should never put a limit on my possibilities. So I fall deeper into the darkness🥲✌️
みんなにめちゃめちゃ褒めてもらえた髪型🥰自分でやったの〜☺️嬉しい!! 今絶賛髪の毛伸ばし中なんだ〜😌✌🏻 . Growing out my hair bc it’s the only thing left in my life that has potential to grow
昼公演ありがとうございました😊 そしてみずはんおかえり🎉 夜公演もよろしくお願いします!! #ナナニジ
This gif literally represents the stages of me trying to understand meetings when people talk to me in business Japanese 😃->😀->😐->😶 ->¿?¿🥺¿?¿
I hope everyone’s feeling okay mentally, physically, and emotionally. You guys are always here to support me but I also want you all to know that I’m here to be your support as well.