
chenle said the members never tease him bc whenever they try to tease him e.g. tell him "your head is so big!", he'll just admit it easily and won't give any reaction so it's no fun, and they'll tease the members who have a big reaction
chenle said sometimes when his mum woke him up in the morning, he'd wake up and get ready but then realise afterwards that he did it all in his dream and that he was still sleeping and that he was also late
a listener said they wanted to become chenle's translator even though he didn't need one, then chenle asked if they wanted to become his translator so they can earn money while doing nothing LMAO
chenle: (reading off script) is there anything you want to do before 30 years old? chenle: oh wait, then it's already too late 😂😂 kun: ... bro i'm only 25?????
chenle wrote “加油打工仔!!” for me 🥺 it roughly means "have strength, worker!" i told him to write this so i'd be motivated to work hard and he agreed immediately, rly the sweetest boy ❤️ thank you chenle 😭
chenle said he's practically glued to his phone. he always replies messages immediately bc he's curious abt what the content is and once he opens it he'll feel it's impolite to leave the other person hanging. so he always replies immediately unless he's busy or sleeping 😂
chenle said when he was young and his voice hadn't broken yet, he often got mistaken for a girl when he answered the phone and the caller would ask "is this ms zhong?" 😭 he said this is bc he was too pretty when he was young
chenle said he loves vegetables, he said the ppl arnd him are all surprised when they learn of this bc it's the first time they see someone who loves veggies this much. he even made stir-fried veggies this morning. he said he loves meat too but not as much as veggies.
chenle said in the past when he was a minor he used to hope he wouldn't need to get off work by 10pm, but now sometimes he thinks having to get off work at 10pm is a good thing 😂
chenle's 100 ad placements for hitting 10k transportation card sales are up! location: chaoyang district, beijing dates: 29 may - 4 june
kun said when he stayed in the dorms before w winwin and renjun, mosquitoes would only bite him. then chenle was like "mosquitoes only bite stinky ppl!" 😂😂😂
chenle said mosquitoes don't rly target him but jisung gets bitten the most in dream. it's so bad that jisung can't sleep and he has to spray insecticide everywhere 😂 chenle told him "if you keep spraying i'll also die! the mosquitoes will die but i'll die too" 😭
chenle: i don't like watermelons, i have no feelings towards them kun: then why does your son like watermelons? chenle: it's my fault for not teaching him well, this is the only trait which he didn't inherit from me, otherwise he's very similar to me chenle 😂😂
chenle said his favourite fruit is mangosteen, whenever he goes to southeast asia for schedules he'll eat all the mangosteens and he always wins at rock-paper-scissors so he doesn't have to clean it up so he said it feels good
chenle said his last day of school was a very ordinary friday, he didn't tell his friends that he was gg to korea and he just said bye to them, but it felt very different.
that day his school was holding a charity sale and chenle said he loves charity sales, he sold his own albums and photos before and he said, "there were actually people who bought it!"
chenle said his manager likes drinking qingdao beer, that time when he went to shanghai w chenle (to film chenji this and that) he and chenle's dad both enjoyed qingdao beer tgt 😂
to clarify again, noone was hating on cl. cl simply saw a weibo post making a joke and got confused. pls don't be alarmed!!! just send him lots of love on bbl if you are subscribed to it!!!
chenle burping when i congratulated him on dream's album sales 😂 he was drinking coke which explains it HAHAHA
210516 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 musicplant fansign i asked him why he bought his members' bubbles and he said he was just curious 😂 and that he felt weird abt the bubble anniversaries unfortunately time was up so he said see you next time ❤️ he's the sweetest 🥺
210516 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 musicplant fansign i praised his selfie skills recently and he was surprised, he said he didn't like taking selfies bc he's always not satisfied with them, but he seemed rly happy! 🥺 and no chenle your previous selfies aren't bad 😭
210516 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 musicplant fansign i asked him how line distributions are decided and he said it's up to the company, but they can voice out if they really want a certain part
210516 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러 musicplant fansign i congratulated chenle on dream's comeback and asked if he knew about dream being on their way to million sellers (they were at 993k then) and he said yes and that he's very thankful to us ❤️ i also wished them a successful comeback!
his reaction when i praised his selfie skills 🥰 #CHENLE #辰乐 #천러
i praised him a lot for his selfie taking skills recently and he seemed rly pleasantly surprised so i hope this means he'll post more in the future 🥺