Azur Lane Official(@AzurLane_EN)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 6 Z23 is visiting the Eagle Union barracks, but what's that surprisingly large and shiny stage? #AzurLane #Yostar #SlowAhead
★USS Li’L Sandy★ The USS Li’L Sandy is preparing to sortie, she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane
【Skybound Oratorio】 "Skybound Oratorio" event will begin after the next maintenance. New characters such as Richelieu and Jeanne d'Arc will be introduced. Stay tuned! #AzurLane #Yostar
★Enchantress from Afar★ USS Arizona is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
⛨Pompeo Magno⛨ RN Pompeo Magno is preparing to sortie and she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
★Traveling Melody★ USS Colorado is changing into her new attire. Her outfit can be obtained by purchasing the Cruise Pass and completing Cruise Missions. Her Cruise Mission will begin on Dec. 1st. #AzurLane #Yostar
❀Shimmering Surf❀ IJN Chiyoda is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
❀Fragrant Red Plum❀ IJN Hiei is changing into her Qipao attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
Dear Commander, Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! has finally arrived. This series feature Javelin, Ayanami, Laffey and Z23 meeting different Azur Lane characters. The chapters will be released weekly. #AzurLane #Yostar #SlowAhead
✠The Banquet's Honor Student✠ The KMS Z23 is changing into her Full Dress attire, she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane
Dear Commanders, Here’s the list of all Black Friday rerun skins. Don't miss again this time! #AzurLane #Yostar
❀I-13❀ IJN I-13 is preparing to sortie and she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
❀Vacation Offensive!❀ IJN Yamashiro is changing into her new attire. Her outfit will be free to obtain by participating in the Vacation Offensive! mini-event. #AzurLane #Yostar
❀Uneventful Holiday Greetings❀ IJN Suruga is changing into her new L2D attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
♚Graceful Afternoon Tea♚ HMS Hermione is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
⚓Chao Ho⚓ Chao Ho is preparing to sortie and she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 46 Ayanami and Pamiat Merkuria had a fighting game duel over Manjuu Ramen, who won? #AzurLane #Yostar #SlowAhead
☭Relaxation Stratagem☭ Sovetskaya Belorussiya is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
❀Scarlet Innocence❀ IJN Haruna is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
♚Fair Maid Spring♚ HMS Black Prince is changing into her Qipao attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
Here is a preview of Vittorio Veneto's Live2D skin Content is in development and may not reflect the final version
【Crimson Echoes】 Crimson Echoes event will be available permanently in War Archives after the next maintenance. Stay tuned! #AzurLane #Yostar
✠Thüringen✠ SMS Thüringen is preparing to sortie and she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
★USS Bluegill★ USS Bluegill is preparing to sortie and she will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar
★eXtreme Games★ USS Minneapolis is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander. #AzurLane #Yostar