
Plasma en tu boleto de #Weverse_LIVE toda la emoción que te causa el concierto de BTS y comparte la imagen en la comunidad #BTS de Weverse y en las redes con #YetToCome_on_Weverse_LIVE. Habrá un sorteo de cupones para boletos el concierto de BTS. 👉bit.ly/3dLnqZV
[#2021NYEL] Artists will answer your questions!💬 Post your stories on #Weverse for the artists to share during MEET&GREET! 📬 17 Dec, 12 PM ~ 20 Dec, 11:59 PM (KST) Find out more on the announcement posted on each artist’s Weverse. #NUEST #BTS #GFRIEND #TXT #ENHYPEN
#In_the_SOOP に現れたPR妖精🧚🏻‍は? In the SOOP BTS ver.のティーザー映像のビハインドが、Weverseにて配信されました。 些細なことからも笑いが止まらなかった、 #BTS の癒しのひと時をお届け! [Behind] EP.5 再び森へ 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/5350896a
2021 #세븐틴 온라인 콘서트 <IN-COMPLETE> 이용권의 판매가 시작되었습니다. 📆판매 기간 : 1/7(목) 16:00 ~ 1/23(토) 18:59 (KST) 💎CARAT 멤버십 회원 한정 HD 멀티뷰 구매 가능 🌐실시간 자막(영문/일문/중문) 제공 #위버스샵 에서 구매하기 👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/188094df
BTS 2021 MUSTER SOWOOZOO will start soon at 6:30 PM (KST) today! Join the live streaming now, set your nickname, and get ready to enjoy the concert! 👉venewlive.com/concerts/bts-s… 2Day Pass ticket sale for June 13 concert ends June 13, 7:29 PM (KST) 👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/5e621e57 #BTS
ARMY, watch j-hope's commentary on <#jhopeINTHEBOX> and find out what he had to say! Now available on #Weverse!💜 The moments of #JackInTheBox with j-hope - you can experience them only on Weverse! 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/dawmkqxi #jhope
Wait, is this Run BTS? 🤔 Nope! It's a special mission for the upcoming BTS BON VOYAGE Season 4! 😎 Get ready for the members' favorite adventure yet! ✈️ The first episode begins on 19 Nov, 9 PM (KST). 🙌 Watch preview 👉 app.weverse.io/plfltd #BTS #BonVoyage4 #Weverse
Playing 77-pointer table tennis🏓game and flying rubber band powered airplane✈ that took 3 hours to make! Watch #BTS spend their first day #In_the_SOOP on the latest episode, 20 minutes longer on Weverse only.🙌 Watch EP. 2 👉 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/bd6c60b8 #BTS #Weverse
[Weverse Magazine] #TXT にやってきた悪魔 TOMORROW X TOGETHERの「THE NAME CHAPTER Concept Trailer」レビュー もっと知りたいなら Weverseマガジンをチェック! KOR: bit.ly/3B230V8 ENG: bit.ly/3B4FLcK JPN: bit.ly/3OQMI7b #Weverse #Weverse_Magazine
<2021 NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE presented by Weverse> オンラインライブストリーミング利用券の予約販売開始! 📆販売期間 : 12/8(火) 14:00 ~ 12/31(木) 23:00 🎤公演日 : 12/31(木) 21:30 💡利用券の購入は #WeverseShop でのみ可能 👉campaign.weverseshop.io/nyel #2021NYEL #WEVE_CONNECTED
[#4컷요약] 월요병도 거뜬히 물리쳐줄 #모아상사 직장인 공감 짤 모음.zip💼 이런 신입사원들이 있다면... 매일매일 출근길이 참 행복할텐데☺ EP. 47👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/86070546 매주 월요일 밤 9시(KST), #위버스 에서 'TO DO X TXT’ 최신 에피소드를 감상하세요! #TODO_X_TXT #TODO
🎥#Weverse_LIVE #BTS#jhope と、#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER のパフォーマンスが見たい方は、ぜひお見逃しなく!✋ 現地のシカゴの雰囲気はいかがですか? Are you ready to join the party? 🎵☀️
#BTS 2021 MUSTER SOWOOZOO 公演開催のお知らせ🎉 それぞれの部屋それぞれの星で、誰よりも明るく輝く私たちが会えるチャンス! 日程などの詳細については、 #Weverse のお知らせにてご覧ください。  お知らせはこちら👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/c2587c2d #SOWOOZOO
모두와 함께 나아갈 미래, 미래소년(MIRAE)과 팬 여러분을 위한 공식 팬 커뮤니티, MIRAE 위버스가 오픈했습니다!✨ 앞으로 #위버스 에서 만나볼 #미래소년 의 소식과 다양한 콘텐츠, 그리고 미래소년과 더 가까워질 소통을 기대해 주세요!🙌 #MIRAE위버스 로 가기👉 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/22940854
[#4CutSynopsis] #bts has different serve styles🏓 I can tell who the winner is just by looking at the picture🤔😂 EP. 139 Bangtan Table Tennis Lesson2👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/cf473b43 Every Tuesday night 9pm(KST), watch the latest 'Run BTS!' on #weverse ! #RunBTS #BANGTAN #BTS
#BTS BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE COMMENTARY VODのオンライン独占配信! BTSが語るドキュメンタリーの裏話を、VODでお楽しみください! 📍コメンタリーパッケージを購入すれば、いつでも視聴可能 🌐字幕対応:韓国語・英語・日本語・中国語 ご視聴はこちら👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/a00325e8
#투모로우바이투게더@lollapalooza 공연 Hulu와 #위버스라이브 무료 생중계!🎵☀️ 비행기 티켓도, 공연 티켓도 필요하지 않아요. 즐길 준비만 해 주세요. 여러분이 있는 곳 어디든 #위버스 가 시카고 현지의 열기를 전해드릴게요!😎 #Enjoy_Lolla_with_Weverse_LIVE #Lolla
[Weverse Magazine] #BTS はアメリカで何を成し遂げたのか Bigger, Hotter, Butter! in the USA もっと知りたいなら Weverseマガジンをチェック! KOR: bit.ly/3wziGKb ENG: bit.ly/3xD7NZo JPN: bit.ly/3yJoX7C #Weverse #Weverse_Magazine
Here are the 100 lucky winners of #BTS Official Light Stick Ver.3! 🎁 Thank you for everyone who joined our celebration of 1 million Wever! Find out if you won! 👉 app.weverse.io/ze4u5s
[Weverse Magazine] On j-hope’s street A review of on the street (with J. Cole) Want to know more? Go to Weverse Magazine! KOR: bit.ly/3n5JdQu ENG: bit.ly/3JUSwvy JPN: bit.ly/40kuNKC #Weverse #Weverse_Magazine
Full of hilarious reactions and laughter! It's BRING THE SOUL: THE MOVIE Commentary! Watch the super exclusive commentary video by #BTS on #Weverse! 👉app.weverse.io/og9wfh
위버스에서 단독 공개되는 'BTS 본보야지 네 번째 시즌'은 11월 19일부터 총 8주 동안 화요일 오후 9시에 영상이 공개됩니다. 🌐한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어 자막 제공 ✅[일반], [고화질] 재생 화질 선택 가능 ✅모바일과 PC를 통해 감상 가능👀 ➡️PC 재생 링크 : bonvoyage4.weverse.io
MBTIのタイプは異なっても、お互いの気持ちがすぐに分かる #BTS のテレパシー⚡が気になる方は? ただいま配信中の #In_the_SOOP ビハインドEP.7をご覧ください。 真夜中にIn the SOOPに響いた笑いの正体もお届けします。 [Behind] EP.7 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/acbe22bc
まもなく16時、 #BTS MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E 10/11 公演がスタート! 公演開始前に、ログインやニックネームの設定をお忘れなく!😉 ご入場はこちら👉 bts.kiswe.com まだ利用券をお持ちでない方は、こちらから 👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/14280d99 💡利用券のご購入は、公演開始前まで可能です。
Join #ENHYPEN_Challenge and celebrate the birth of ENHYPEN!🎉 Lucky fans among the participants in the daily missions everyday will receive a prize.🎁 Join the challenge on #ENHYPENWeverse and support #ENHYPEN, the global idols of 2020! Find out more👉 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/4ebe9c83