【ミカエル・ミシェル】落馬事故後の怪我の状態や、有馬記念の本命・コントレイルやソダシに対する感想など -ファンの皆様へ動画メッセージ- youtu.be/xhkiAPFLunU via @YouTube
Itv video have been released🥰🎌Thx ⁦@netkeiba⁩ & @ma_ouma1@Paris_Turf @HKJC_Racing @Jour_de_Galop@WHR⁩ 【動画メッセージ】仏の美人ジョッキー M.ミシェル騎手「日本に戻ることをお約束します!」 | 競馬コラム - netkeiba.com news.netkeiba.com/?pid=column_vi…
Japon🇯🇵 Sapporo World All-Star Jockeys 2019 #WASJ Final Ranking 1st Yuga Kawada🇯🇵 70 p 2nd Christophe Lemaire🇯🇵 58 p 3rd Mickaëlle Michel🇫🇷 53 p 3rd Karis Teetan🇭🇰 53 p Thanks to JRA, Owners and Trainers for this great experience, it was fantastic. @HKJC_Racing @francegalop
Wow💥fantastic atmosphere 🙌🙌The best racing horse fan in the world ✨🙌I have chills 😍 @JRAVAN_info @nar_keiba @netkeiba @tospo_prores @umatoku_hochi @Umabi_Official @francegalop twitter.com/LongBallToNoOn…
Japon🇯🇵 2019 World All-Star Jockeys Sapporo #WASJ Very good dinner 🍣🥢 Enjoy a moment @christo68914587 @JulienLeparoux Daisaku Matsuda @Jour_de_Galop @RacingPost @Paris_Turf @francegalop @SkyRacingAU @TheNYRA
Interview Arc 2109 🇫🇷🇯🇵🇮🇪🇬🇧 @paris_longchamp Hochi Shinbun newspaper🇯🇵 @stas0803 🙏🏼arigato🥰 @jourdegalop @Paris_Turf @le_Parisien @HKJC_Racing @WHR @TheNYRA @SkyRacingWorld
インタビュー 🇯🇵#WASJ Back on this incredible adventure of Japan🇯🇵 #WASJ with @Verva2 on @equidia, thank you for this interview, a very good time of sharing, that happiness🥰👏 I loved @netkeiba @WHR @GaiWaterhouse1 @TheNYRA @SkyRacingWorld #JRA @HorseRacing_JPN @HKJC_Racing twitter.com/equidia/status…