🌕 TWICE STATS ☀️(@TWICESTATS)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Thanks for your hardwork ONCEs, we did this better than ever! Now please collect the votes on Whosfan and make sure TWICE get that billboard on NY Time Square! 🙇 We are in TWICE Lockdown now! Let's keep up this energy for Taste of Love 🍭 @JYPETWICE #TWICE #Taste_of_Love
📢 LAST 2 MINUTES, PANIC THIS OR THAT NOW ONCEs! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 LAST 3 MINUTE, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, DROP THE TAGS A LOT ONCEs ‼️ I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE twitter.com/TWICESTATS/sta…
‼️ THEY CATCH UP REAL FAST, ONLY 200K GAP, DROP MORE ONCEs ‼️ I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 10 minutes more! Let's go panic vote ONCEs! TWICE will give us timetable soon! Let's make a gift for them for being #1 on the hashtags voting! Reply here! 200k gap only!!! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE twitter.com/TWICESTATS/sta…
#️⃣Whosfan_with_TWICE has now surpassed 4M tweets 🥳 The 2nd catch up real fast ONCEs! Anything is possible, so please follow our challenge here! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE #TWICE #트와이스 @JYPETWICE twitter.com/TWICESTATS/sta…
📢 FINAL PUSH ONCEs! Maintain #1 is the goals! Can we get? 🎯 8000 reply 🎯 1000 retweet Comment all of TWICE track listed here and choose this or that! Don't forget to untag TWICE before replying! #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 It will be so heartbreaking if we lose the lead in the time, please keep tweeting ONCEs! The #2 has been catching up real fast 😥 ‼️ do our challenge here ‼️ I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE twitter.com/TWICESTATS/sta…
📢 ONCEs, the other fandoms catch up real fast. Previous tweets supposed to be our challenge, but this is urgent. #1‼️ Can we get? 🎯 5000 reply 🎯 800 retweet Comment all of TWICE track listed here! #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 Prepare you votes on Whosfan ONCEs! There be a chance that the next phase will be there! Our hardwork for the hashtags will be wasted if we lose there! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
[ WHOSFAN CHALLENGE ] This is our last challenge! Let's do it ONCEs! Choose this/that and add the tags! Don't forget to untag TWICE before replying! 🎯 3700 reply 🎯 700 retweet I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 Prepare you votes on Whosfan ONCEs! There be a chance that the next phase will be there! The 3,2M hashtags will be a waste if we don't prepare there! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
[ WHOSFAN HASHTAGS RANK ] 1. TWICE - 3,2M tweets 2. T******* - 2,8M tweets 3. T** - 2,8M tweets Don't be complacement ONCEs! Keep dropping the hashtags! The count will stop soon! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
#️⃣Whosfan_with_TWICE is the first-ever TWICE related hashtags that reach 1M, 2M, and 3M tweets! What's going on with you guys? 😭 Let's keep this energy forever! 😆 I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
#️⃣Whosfan_with_TWICE has now surpassed 3M tweets 🥳 We are at 1st now with 300k gap from the 2nd! Keep dropping the hashtags ONCEs! Don't be complacement! 😼 I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE #TWICE #트와이스 @JYPETWICE
[ WHOSFAN CHALLENGE ] Maintain 1st place ONCEs! Lets aim for 3M tweet! Choose this/that and add the tags! Don't forget to untag TWICE before replying! 🎯 3500 reply 🎯 700 retweet I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
📢 Don't forget to stream "What Is Love?" too ONCEs! Imagine if we got triple win tonight: ✅ 1st place on Whosfan hashtags ✅ Taste of Love timetable ✅ What is Love? 500m poster I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
@misayeon we will eat while dropping the hashtags sana-ssi ❤️ I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
[ WHOSFAN CHALLENGE ] Maintain 1st place and widen the gap ONCEs! Choose this/that and add the tags! Don't forget to untag TWICE before replying! 🎯 3500 reply 🎯 700 retweet I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
WE'RE IN THE FIRST PLACE NOW ONCEs! 🥳 Keep up the good job! Questions: Can we make this or that challenge of 2021 kpop release? We're ran out of idea for TWICE this or that 😅 I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
2nd place now! less than 100k to become 1st! drop more ONCEs! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE twitter.com/TW_EUROPE/stat…
‼️ A LITTLE BIT MORE ONCE, DON'T BE COMPLACEMENT ‼️ keep dropping the hashtags! the votes will end in 12AM KST later! I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE #TWICE #트와이스 @JYPETWICE
[ WHOSFAN CHALLENGE ] 5 MORE HOURS! imagine we win this and get timetable after! Mention all lovely names! Don't forget to untag TWICE before replying! 🎯 3000 reply 🎯 500 retweet I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE @JYPETWICE
#️⃣Whosfan_with_TWICE has now surpassed 2M tweets 🥳 1st and 2nd position are now both in 2,2m tweets, we're at 3rd now! DROP MORE! WE CAN WIN THIS ONCE! 🔥 I nominate TWICE #Whosfan_1st_Anniversary #후즈팬_1주년_축하해 #Whosfan_with_TWICE #TWICE #트와이스 @JYPETWICE