#Taiwan's SARS experience taught VP Chen & the government lessons crucial in combating #Coronavirus. Meaningful @WHO participation, as well as sharing the country's expertise & resources, can help the world better manage #COVID19 & deliver #HealthForAll. topics.amcham.com.tw/2020/03/vice-p…
Our sincere thanks to @POTUS for signing #TAIPEIAct into law. The bill reflects the strength of #Taiwan-#US ties. It also paves the way for expanded bilateral exchanges while preserving the country's international space in the face of authoritarian #China's campaign of coercion.
As @nytimes, @WSJ & @washingtonpost face intensifying hostility in #China, I'd like to welcome you to be stationed in #Taiwan — a country that is a beacon of freedom & democracy. Yes! You'll find people here greeting you with open arms & lots of genuine smiles. JW
Wow, can’t even utter “Taiwan” in the WHO? You should set politics aside in dealing with a pandemic. FYI @WHO, 450+ news reports from 40+ countries so far positively covered #Taiwan’s handling of #COVID19. These reports do not mistake us as part of China & #TaiwanCanHelp. JW twitter.com/HKWORLDCITY/st…
The charter flight organized by @TaiwanenPeru has landed in #Miami. Passengers include #Taiwan, #US, #Japan & #Singapore nationals. This response to the global #Coronavirus outbreak proves #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll while honoring @WHO's promise to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
Our deepest sympathies & heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of @JFCesarini. The chairman of @AssembleeNat’s France-Taiwan Friendship Group was a tremendous supporter of the country & worked tirelessly to strengthen bilateral relations. He’ll be sorely missed. twitter.com/GillesLeGendre…
#新型コロナウイルス が世界で猛威を振るう中、#台湾 #外交部 のチャーター機が台湾人だけでなく、他国籍の方も同乗させたことは、まさに #TaiwanCanHelp の実現でした。困っている人がいれば手を差し伸べるのは、台湾にとって当然のことです。 #台日協力 #台日友好 www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2020…
.@SenCoryGardner spoke, @SecPompeo listened. We warmly welcome the #US secretary of state's support for #Taiwan's “appropriate role” in @WHO’s World Health Assembly & his commitment on behalf of @StateDept to "fully comply” with #TAIPEIAct. Read @VOANews: bit.ly/39ukSY1 twitter.com/SenCoryGardner…
Thank you for the recognition & warm message, @AusOfficeTPE Rep. Cowan. Ensuring access to materials essential for producing key items used in combating #Coronavirus is a win-win. #Taiwan will keep cooperating closely with #Australia for the benefit of the people & #IndoPacific. twitter.com/AusOfficeTPE/s…
Minister Wu was proud to join @iingwen at the #Coronavirus-combating news conference. He announced #Taiwan will donate 10 million face masks to the #US, #EU, other countries in Europe & allies. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic & realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Gifts are given with no strings attached. Thank you, @ZdenekHrib, for pointing out this fact & reminding the world #Taiwan & #CzechRepublic are real friends bound by a deep-seated love of freedom, democracy & human rights. #TaiwanCares & #TaiwanShares. twitter.com/ZdenekHrib/sta…
True friends & partners in prosperity never need say thank you, @nuludong. #Taiwan & #Palau share close Austronesian ties & are rock-solid #IndoPacific partners. We'll keep supporting @TommyRemengesau & the government & people in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
Thank you @vonderleyen for recognizing #Taiwan's support for the #EU & combating #Coronavirus. It's critical at times such as these for democracies to help one another for the greater good. International solidarity is key to building resilient societies & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
.@TchajC & #CzechRepublic's #Taipei office are joining forces to combat #Coronavirus! The partnership will bolster efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic through R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines & vaccines. Both sides will also share key materials & best practices.
A charter flight organized by @EOJinIndia landed in #Tokyo with 12 #Taiwan nationals on board before a homeward flight to #Taipei. Thanks @JapanGov & the #India government for making it happen. #COVID19 may shut borders, but like-minded countries will continue working together.
在インド日本国大使館が手配した臨時便が東京に到着しました。同乗させて頂いた台湾人12人は別機に乗り換え、順次帰国しています。 この計画を実現してくれた日本及びインド政府に心から感謝します。 #COVID19 が国境を閉鎖させても、国を超えた協力の扉が閉ざされることはありません。 #台日協力
We sincerely thank @SenatorRisch & @SenateForeign for acknowledging #Taiwan’s & @iingwen’s commitment to combating #Coronavirus. Natural allies never fail to answer the call in a time of need. Cooperation, friendship, support & trust are just what it takes for the world to heal. twitter.com/SenateForeign/…
#Taiwan looks forward to continuing its work with the #UnitedStates, showcasing how free & open societies can respond effectively to the #COVID19 pandemic. twitter.com/WHNSC45/status…
Thank you, @usmissiongeneva, for the recognition & advocating #Taiwan’s @WHO & #WHA participation. As a beacon of freedom, democracy & human rights, the country will continue combating #Coronavirus with like-minded partners & allies. Together, we can realize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/usmissiongenev…
It’s a disgrace to see this is happening to #HongKong, a place that used to shine as a beacon of #PressFreedom in East Asia. The people of #Taiwan will stand with the people of #HK in the pursuit of truth. JW twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
#Taiwan is donating face masks to #CzechRepublic! We’re honored to team up with the country’s 1st European partner in combating #Coronavirus. Let’s cultivate more chances to strengthen cooperation in the face of this global challenge. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
Experience with #SARS pushed #Taiwan to react quickly & decisively to combat #Coronavirus. Now #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic. But the country needs a #WHA73 seat to better share the #TaiwanModel & assist in realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. edition.cnn.com/2020/04/04/asi…
We're flattered by @BarbraStreisand's praise for #Taiwan & its #Coronavirus-fighting capabilities. Like the essence of her 1976 classic "A Star is Born," the sky's the limit when like-minded partners come together & inspire one another to greater heights. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/BarbraStreisan…
#Taiwan is a step ahead in managing the #COVID19 pandemic on the strength of its health vigilance systems overseen by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC. More countries are expanding bilateral ties & learning from the #TaiwanModel. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/business/statu…
Our thoughts & prayers are with @BorisJohnson & the British people. We wish everyone combating #Coronavirus a speedy recovery & return to full health. #Taiwan supports & has every confidence in @DominicRaab, acting #UK prime minister, at this difficult time.